Tuesday, August 31

happy tchers day..
as usual the tea party t0day..
quitee sian tis year..
the tchers fashi0n sh0w is quite nice..
s0me tcher veri enthu als0..
ms spain veri nice lehx..
budden s0me tchers just wear tshirt and jeans liddat..
casual wear..
den h0ld the flag..
siann n0rx...
l0ok like t0ur gr0up liddat..

after tchers day..
wentt t0 serene h0me..
watch windstruck..
nice nice nice..x=..
didn't cry tis time..
maybe dun habb the atm0sphere 0r smth..
serene m0ther sh0 c0ol..
0 yar..
als0 prank call s0me ppl..
veriii funny..

denss after g0 xinni h0use..
g0 take things..
budden in the end ferg0t take h0me..
itx sarah and felicia's m0mmie's birthday..
sh0 got cake..
tea party tis aftern0on got cake..
budden n0 m0od eatt..
her m0ther's fruit cake i g0t eat..
c0s it l0ok much m0re delici0us..x=..
talkk al0t 0f crapp..

als0 g0 play bball and badmint0n..
meet s0me *attitude ppl*..
s0 xinying play veri the r0ugh..
g0 stabb the pers0n 0r smth wibb her elb0w..
make the pers0n buay s0ng..
i dunn0 wadd happen larhx...
c0s i playing serving 0f badmint0n..
c0s me and sarah cann0t play any rally..
my skills sux..x=..

den after 11 plus g0 h0me..
luckily g0t j0seph and wenwei pei larhx..
7m0nth lehx..
i dun dare walk al0ne under hdb flats...x=...
den at bus st0p see anabel quek i think..
den i think i keep 0n staring at her 0r smth..
c0s i n0t sure whether it is her..
dun dare walk t0wards her and ask her..
s0 she whispered t0 her fren ab0ut me..
sh0 b0th 0f dem l0ok at me in a weird manner..

Monday, August 30

sh0 shuang..
t0day n0 training..
c0s last thursday g0 and trick mr 0ng t0day is tcher day celebrati0n..x=

s0 wentt t0 far east change the NW0 de cl0thes..
den saw the pinnk pig..x=..
sh0 shuayy...
is like wai sze tt time buy n0 pink..
t0day g0 and change limain and serene de den see until..
b0ught tis cheerleader skirt..
quite nice lahx..
budden i wear 0nly pigg feet..l0lx..
me-fr0g waisze-pig qingyu-cat limain-hipp0 serene-m0use..
all baby blue xcept me nahx..
c0s i didn't n0e dey g0ing t0 change t0 blue...x.x...

0 yarr..
t0day g0t farming..
s0me ge0g pr0ject..
quite funn larhx..x=...
is like the seedlings transplanted t0 0ur pl0t l0ok sh0 nice..
den s0meb0dy c0me and water the seedling..
den is like giam chai liddat...

Tuesday, August 24

ms ng sk suxx..
only never put dictionary dens need to write sentences..
english get bel0w 15/20 muz als0 write sentence..
h0pe she gets a sh0ck when she meet the gh0st at nightt 0r smth..
s0 tt we wun get english less0ns..
tts why she n0 husband nahx..q=

mrs ng is n0t here till next week thurs..
we habb subsitute tchers teaching us..
at last..
i can understand chem less0ns..(=..

i g0t my ic..
damnn ugly..
c0s i think dey edited my pic..
my neckk sh0 l0ng..
lyke l0ng neck gh0st 0r smth..


Wednesday, August 18

i br0ke 2 testtube..
kena bec0me blamed f0r kicking ppl butt..
mr 0ng g0 thr0w sh0e at me..
budden it was an0ther bastard's wh0 is the 0ne wh0 is at fault..
sure will have retributi0n de..
kena sc0lded by ms ng..
tt eng tcher..
c0s i 0wn up tt i never use sch0ol fullscap..
lame n0rx..
at least i g0t the guts t0 0wn up..
still say she humiliating me..
g0t s0 mani ppl n0t using fullscap s0mm0re n0r..
stupidd 0ld auntie...

r0nald susil0 0r wadeva l0stt nehx...
s0 jia lat...
singap0re realli n0 h0pe in sp0rts de..x.x

nth muchh..
friday g0t netball..
s0 jia lat..
n0t enuff ppl t0 play s0mm0re..
c0s s0me ppl dun wann t0 play..
s0 called united h0rx..
damnn shitt..

Sunday, August 15

the pers0n wh0 picked up my wallet..
used all the ezlink card m0ney..
n0t even left a cent..
g0nna get retributi0n..
my 50 buckks..
my ne0prints..

yesterday wennt 0ut wibb xinni ying and wen wei...
budd never buy anything..

Friday, August 13


class was alright t0day..
i laughhed al0t..

i f0rg0t my wallet t0day..
den habb t0 call peter and stephanie t0 call dem t0 thr0w d0wn fr0m the 4th level t0 the first..
waisze alm0st catched it..

watched twins effect 2 t0day..
wibb wai sze limain and qingyu..
itx was nice..
n0t as badd as what the newspaper rated..
bud it has n0thing t0 d0 wibb the first m0vie..
kinda nice and funny...
g0t shuaii ge..x=

after the m0vie we walkked ar0und..
den meet wibb serene..
den g0 h0me lerx...


Thursday, August 12

gh0st festival c0ming lia0x..
was s0 freaked 0ut during training t0day..
c0s we were chatting ab0ut gh0st..
after that i went h0me..
i 0pened my d0or..
den the t0ilet next t0 the stairway..
the light flickered n0rx..
scare me..x.x

Tuesday, August 10

juz c0me backk tis m0rning fr0m malaysia..
n0 m0od lia0x..
maybe bec0s play t0o muchh n0w n0 m0re spirit..x=..

saturday wake up early den g0 t0 j0h0r dere..
t0 dad's h0use..
den g0t traffic jamm like dunn0 wadd..
reach dere den change t0 an0ther car g0 genting..
dad say msia registrated car m0re safe..
den g0 p0rt dicks0n first..
g0 see tis 10 yr res0rt tt alex uncle b0ught..
he s0 richh..
buy already f0r 10 years..
never even use it..
s0mm0re 0n m0nth need t0 pay rm400 f0r maintaince fee..
t0o muchh m0ney...x.x..
anyway..the res0rt is ugly..
veri run d0wn..

after tt g0 genting n0rx..
den buy ind0or tickets and play ind0or games..
quite siann c0s n0thing much..x=..
den att nightt g0 t0 casin0..
g0t age limit de lahx..
21 and ab0ve..
s0 stupidd..
last time 0nly 18 and ab0ve n0rx...
den i s0mm0re g0t putt makeup and wear access0ries..
den s0 matured n0rx..
budden the security guard still catch me..
s0mm0re g0 try at 2 different casin0...

s0 in the end return t0 h0tel r0om..
take care 0f michelle and aar0n..
veri scary..
c0s michelle wake up suddenly den cann0t find her m0mmie..
her m0mmie in the casin0..
den she cry like dunn0 wadd..

den sec0nd day..
b0ught the 0utd0or tickets..
den in the end 0nly play the c0ster and the swingy thingy..
tw0 games 0nly..x=..waste the m0ney..

den 0n m0nday g0 back le n0r...
sh0pping at KL..
n0thing much t0 buy de..
c0s n0t enuff time t0 sh0p..
den t0day den c0me back..
c0s stay 0ver at skudai dere..

den tis m0rning c0me backk..
the sun was c0min up..
damnn nice..
0range 0range de..
like duckk egg..
the rays veri gentle de...
t0o bad never take ph0tos..

Friday, August 6

t0day is nati0nal day..
and philip k0rx de birthday..

den g0 0ut wibb sarah and felicia..
wibb mei zhu huiying eileen and nikki..
meet at j8 n0rx..
den after tt wentt t0 angm0ki0...
b0ught a cheap0 bag..x=...

after tt went t0 sch0ol..
den see ppl dressed up in ethnic c0stume..
damnn nice n0rx..
den the ndp veri de lame..
g0 f0r 0nly 1hr 30 mins..
see nati0nal day parade..
den g0 0ff...

den after me and wai sze g0 take g0odie bag..
damnn funny..
hanif was 0n duty..
den wai sze was lyke keep 0pening her bag t0 hanif t0 stuff in the g0odie bags..
i think g0t 20 plus packets n0rx..
laughh until st0mach pain..

Thursday, August 5

t0day was 0kay lahx..
veri de sleepy..
recess time damnn funn...
c0s we played the bubble thing..
den fill it wibb water..
den dirty the wh0le t0ilet..
i think the cleaner veri angry lia0x..x=..

den after tt was vball ba..
veri the siann..
c0s n0 f0rmati0n..
sian arhhhhx...

Wednesday, August 4

made my ez link..
stewpidd picture..
i hate the pers0n wh0 to0k my wallet..
shit the pers0n..

b0ught indian c0stume...
sux t0o..
i wanted a skirt..
in the end b0ught a pants..
sh0 ugly s0mm0re..
c0st 40 buckks n0rx..
next time i sure bargain m0re..

dens g0t ST NICKS ppl..
den talk als0 talk s0 l0ud..
keep saying me and sis is frm amkss..
s0 wadd..
neva see amkss ppl mehx..
s0 excited liddat..
den dey were like discussing wad level we are fr0m..
sec1* sec1*..
d0esn't mean tt my skirt is 0nly 0ne line means i am frm sec1..
ST NIC are brainless..
0r dey dun n0t have c0mm0n sense..x.x...
den keep 0n l0oking 0ver n0rx...
wads wr0ng wibb being amksian..
keep 0n talking...
unless dey interested in me lah...x=...

Sunday, August 1

n0thing t0 d0..
cann0t g0 0ut c0s n0 m0ney..
c0s i putt all my m0ney in the bankk..
and i can't use my p0sb cardd yet..
c0s it is n0t activated yet..)=..

actually wann t0 g0 watch ndp preview de..
budden in the end never..
c0s n0 m0od..
den pei daddy wibb ya2 gina and aar0n..
g0 tis 5 st0rey apartment..
dunn0 wad tts call..
damnn nice..
den all bu ren shi de..
s0 als0 veri siann..

sista n0w at malaysia sh0pping f0r ethnic c0stume..
nextweek have t0 wear..
c0mpulsary s0mm0re...