i hate mdm t0ng..
sux lahx..
dun even n0e h0w the hell she gets the president award..x=..
mrs veda deserve it m0re than her..
accuse ppl f0r stealing lime water..
and lime water can use t0 suicide de lehx..
diah0rrea until die izzit?..
s0mm0re g0 accuse me 0f stealing glass r0d..
y0u think i b0 lia0 issit..
kena sc0lded yesterday n0rx..
by mdm t0ng..
den mr ling als0..
f0r n0t d0ing p.e...
slackking dere..x=...
den have t0 run 600 m and 20 push up and 20 sit up..
dunn0 wh0 needs m0re physical training..
me 0r y0u...q=
den after ms ng s.k.
check unif0rm lehx..
wah lau..
she lyke s0 buay s0ng wibb my unif0rm..
i g0t TUCK IN OK!
den after tt g0t ipw..
dunn0 h0w c0me like s0 nerv0us n0rx..
t0t we can get ridd 0f the ipw lia0x..
t0day class peeps all saying their lime water missing..
as in their lime juice liddat..
damnn funny..
ya n0rx..
itx wr0ng f0r dem t0 accuse us..
can sue de leh!!!!!!.....grrr*...
if i rich enuff lahx..
veri tired lia0x..
c0s g0t training...
s0 shit!..x.x...
i think i missed 0ut s0mething...
Thursday, July 29
Monday, July 26
hate english..
hate it tiz year..
tcher sux..
la0 tai p0..x=
i made i.c.
kekex..buddden the pic iz a h0rr0r..
veri ch0u..)=..
dun caree lia0x..
ermmx..i never read pr0perly..
need t0 take the 0riginal c0py 0f bc..
den i g0 ph0t0 c0py..
den veri mah fan..
have t0 g0 h0me and take..x=
nth much ba...
sian sian sian...
0..chem test t0day..
i turn backk face gary..
den i turn back mrs ng was like glance 0ver at me..
den i give a guilty face 0r smth..
den she try try act fierce and *dia0 me liddat..
damnn funny..
den i g0 stare back..
den after tt she ann0unce t0 the wh0le class wad dun c0py 0r wadd..
sickk lah..
i g0nna fail chem..
first time lehx..)=..
die n0 fullscap..
cann0t d0 eng hw..
english SUX!..
hate it tiz year..
tcher sux..
la0 tai p0..x=
i made i.c.
kekex..buddden the pic iz a h0rr0r..
veri ch0u..)=..
dun caree lia0x..
ermmx..i never read pr0perly..
need t0 take the 0riginal c0py 0f bc..
den i g0 ph0t0 c0py..
den veri mah fan..
have t0 g0 h0me and take..x=
nth much ba...
sian sian sian...
0..chem test t0day..
i turn backk face gary..
den i turn back mrs ng was like glance 0ver at me..
den i give a guilty face 0r smth..
den she try try act fierce and *dia0 me liddat..
damnn funny..
den i g0 stare back..
den after tt she ann0unce t0 the wh0le class wad dun c0py 0r wadd..
sickk lah..
i g0nna fail chem..
first time lehx..)=..
die n0 fullscap..
cann0t d0 eng hw..
english SUX!..
Sunday, July 25
l0st my wallet..
ab0ut 173 d0llars de l0st..
iz like haishhx..
l0st my wallet den ppl still like abit buay s0ng me..
n0t my fault wadd..
thankz t0 xinni and xinying..
xinni especially f0r being s0 c0nsiderate..
a few days ag0 i still menti0ned t0 my dad tt i SELD0M l0se things n0t like him..x=
-al0t 0f suay things-
0n the sunny side..
a new wallet?...
a new p0sb BLUE card..
a new nice picture 0n the ez link card..
budd all cann0t replace the ne0prints..)=
i called t0 the cust service f0r the p0sb card..
the operat0r iz s0 friendly..
and wished me happy birthday nehx..
yesterday g0 and watch ella ehchanted..
0k lah..quite nice..
mean girls still nicer..
wentt wibb tqy and cth and gina..
take ne0s..
budden was all missing t0day...
tqy and cth first time take de..
den after m0vie tqy g0 tution..
den we all g0 t0 cth h0use dere..
den g0 mac eatt 3 evm + 9 nuggets..
l0st my wallet..
ab0ut 173 d0llars de l0st..
iz like haishhx..
l0st my wallet den ppl still like abit buay s0ng me..
n0t my fault wadd..
thankz t0 xinni and xinying..
xinni especially f0r being s0 c0nsiderate..
a few days ag0 i still menti0ned t0 my dad tt i SELD0M l0se things n0t like him..x=
-al0t 0f suay things-
0n the sunny side..
a new wallet?...
a new p0sb BLUE card..
a new nice picture 0n the ez link card..
budd all cann0t replace the ne0prints..)=
i called t0 the cust service f0r the p0sb card..
the operat0r iz s0 friendly..
and wished me happy birthday nehx..
yesterday g0 and watch ella ehchanted..
0k lah..quite nice..
mean girls still nicer..
wentt wibb tqy and cth and gina..
take ne0s..
budden was all missing t0day...
tqy and cth first time take de..
den after m0vie tqy g0 tution..
den we all g0 t0 cth h0use dere..
den g0 mac eatt 3 evm + 9 nuggets..
Thursday, July 22
i ferg0tt wadd t0 write le..
yesterday i thinkk..
c0s remember i said my 0ven wad sp0ilt?..
can be used lerx..
den after tt i use g0t electricity sparks...
xia si w0...0.o..
den after tt maidd f0und a knife inside the 0ven..
itx like h0w the stewpiiddd knife appear inside..
funny h0rx..*
t0day g0t assembly peri0d..
itx like g0t tiz science singing c0mpetiti0n..
3 teams fr0m 3/1..3/2 g0t 0ne..3/3 g0t 0ne and 3/5 g0t 0ne..
six teams..
0ur class win n0rx..
itx wass damnn nice...
s0 enthu..
still g0t dance..
btw...it was mustafa..shahira...siva..and shamila wh0 sing the s0ng..
edited versi0n 0f all the things she said..by tatu..
training wad 0kay..
except i keep 0n kena hit by ball..
a veri happy belated birthday prezzie i guess..
suay day..
g0t tiz pers0n tell me s0me1 say i dia0 dem..
sia0 kia..
i n0t ahh lian n0rx..
dia0 wad dia0..
see 0nly wadd..
if i dun like u..
i will n0t even l0ok at y0u l0rx..
still dia0 f0r wadd...x.x..
anyways..training after tt..
wentt h0me..
wibb a biggg prezzie..
veri biggg and bulky..
fr0m al0t 0f ppl lehx..
budden if n0t wr0ng g0t j.a.s..cw..
n0t sure lerx..
veri nicee t0 t0uchh n0rx...(=...
yesterday my birthday..
den annette qingyu limain waisze and serene gibb me prezent durin recess..
damnn funny..l0lx..
c0s dey keep 0n calling me t0 0pen my bagg...
s0 tt i can be sh0ck t0 see a wrapped present inside..x=..
itx a cd rack and 0ne angel thingy
dawn and weiming gavee me tiz f0reva frens bear...
veri cuteee nehx...
j0sephine and bentink gibb me ph0t0 frame...
0ne unkn0wn pers0n gave a bell?..
ermmx..still g0t chee an gavee me a bracelet..
and my sista gibb me a y shaped preci0us m0ments figurine..
l0ve all 0f dem n0rx..
my sista pressie the m0zt..x=
0 yar..
last sunday i g0t celebrati0n..
was a veri unhappy day..
c0s g0t misunderstanding wibb sarah..
den in the end she PS me lehx..
s0 fel and she nver c0me...
i veri upset..
den iz like g0t tiz silent war f0r a few days..
buddden yesterday...(=...hehex..
ha0 le n0rx..
l0ok backk a bit silly ba...
tt sunday i als0 break d0wn le..
dunn0 suddenly at nightt cann0t sleep..
iz actually 0n the way t0 sleeping..
den sista hp keep ringing lyke hell n0rx..
i alm0st killed her wibb a pill0w..0.o
den keep 0n scream and scream..
like a crazy w0man..
i need t0 g0 imh..x=..
den cry le..
findd daddy n0rx..
den i cry n0n st0p..
luckily g0t daddy t0 c0ns0le me...
he say i t0o stress ler..x=..
i ferg0tt wadd t0 write le..
yesterday i thinkk..
c0s remember i said my 0ven wad sp0ilt?..
can be used lerx..
den after tt i use g0t electricity sparks...
xia si w0...0.o..
den after tt maidd f0und a knife inside the 0ven..
itx like h0w the stewpiiddd knife appear inside..
funny h0rx..*
t0day g0t assembly peri0d..
itx like g0t tiz science singing c0mpetiti0n..
3 teams fr0m 3/1..3/2 g0t 0ne..3/3 g0t 0ne and 3/5 g0t 0ne..
six teams..
0ur class win n0rx..
itx wass damnn nice...
s0 enthu..
still g0t dance..
btw...it was mustafa..shahira...siva..and shamila wh0 sing the s0ng..
edited versi0n 0f all the things she said..by tatu..
training wad 0kay..
except i keep 0n kena hit by ball..
a veri happy belated birthday prezzie i guess..
suay day..
g0t tiz pers0n tell me s0me1 say i dia0 dem..
sia0 kia..
i n0t ahh lian n0rx..
dia0 wad dia0..
see 0nly wadd..
if i dun like u..
i will n0t even l0ok at y0u l0rx..
still dia0 f0r wadd...x.x..
anyways..training after tt..
wentt h0me..
wibb a biggg prezzie..
veri biggg and bulky..
fr0m al0t 0f ppl lehx..
budden if n0t wr0ng g0t j.a.s..cw..
n0t sure lerx..
veri nicee t0 t0uchh n0rx...(=...
yesterday my birthday..
den annette qingyu limain waisze and serene gibb me prezent durin recess..
damnn funny..l0lx..
c0s dey keep 0n calling me t0 0pen my bagg...
s0 tt i can be sh0ck t0 see a wrapped present inside..x=..
itx a cd rack and 0ne angel thingy
dawn and weiming gavee me tiz f0reva frens bear...
veri cuteee nehx...
j0sephine and bentink gibb me ph0t0 frame...
0ne unkn0wn pers0n gave a bell?..
ermmx..still g0t chee an gavee me a bracelet..
and my sista gibb me a y shaped preci0us m0ments figurine..
l0ve all 0f dem n0rx..
my sista pressie the m0zt..x=
0 yar..
last sunday i g0t celebrati0n..
was a veri unhappy day..
c0s g0t misunderstanding wibb sarah..
den in the end she PS me lehx..
s0 fel and she nver c0me...
i veri upset..
den iz like g0t tiz silent war f0r a few days..
buddden yesterday...(=...hehex..
ha0 le n0rx..
l0ok backk a bit silly ba...
tt sunday i als0 break d0wn le..
dunn0 suddenly at nightt cann0t sleep..
iz actually 0n the way t0 sleeping..
den sista hp keep ringing lyke hell n0rx..
i alm0st killed her wibb a pill0w..0.o
den keep 0n scream and scream..
like a crazy w0man..
i need t0 g0 imh..x=..
den cry le..
findd daddy n0rx..
den i cry n0n st0p..
luckily g0t daddy t0 c0ns0le me...
he say i t0o stress ler..x=..
Wednesday, July 21
all the pe0ple wh0 remembered..(=..
beri de happy t0day..
i laughhed al0t..
0k..i remembered t0 bring backk my present..
n0t st0len 0r anything..
n0t lyke last year..x=..
yesterday g0t ge0g less0n..
hab t0 ask questi0ns t0 the gr0up presenting..
den shi han g0 represent a herb "c0mpany"..
s0 funny..
supp0se t0 be a manufacturing..
den she say everyday her parents g0 climb m0untain t0 pluck herbs..
s0 funny..x=..
all the pe0ple wh0 remembered..(=..
beri de happy t0day..
i laughhed al0t..
0k..i remembered t0 bring backk my present..
n0t st0len 0r anything..
n0t lyke last year..x=..
yesterday g0t ge0g less0n..
hab t0 ask questi0ns t0 the gr0up presenting..
den shi han g0 represent a herb "c0mpany"..
s0 funny..
supp0se t0 be a manufacturing..
den she say everyday her parents g0 climb m0untain t0 pluck herbs..
s0 funny..x=..
Tuesday, July 20
Saturday, July 17
HAPpie birThday t0 ChaRl0TtE w0nG!~!
at first dun wann t0 g0 sch0ol de..
g0 see d0ct0r..
s0 sickk l0rx..x=..
g0t g0..
c0s can see the australia bandd..x=..
dey sh0x c0ol..
and cann play veri well...(=..
dens the guys all veri shuaiix..x=..
gals are s0 prettiex...
dens after tt g0t training..
stewpidd attitude ppl..
dun care..
juz a bunch 0f sick0s..
dens yesterday..friday
wentt t0 st0re l0rx..
waitt f0r sarah t0 kn0ck 0ff fr0m w0rk..
at first wann t0 watch mean girls..
budden her m0mmie dun all0w..
n i t0t she can watch l0rx..
budden she haben even ask her m0mmie..x.x
g0t em0ti0nal lahx..
after tt wentt t0 amk central..
wibb la0g0ng..and sarah...x=..
den meet wibb justin and 3rd la0p0..
g0 arcade play..
veri the pr0 l0rx..
s0 envi0us..(=..
juz n0w i g0 mirc0wave s0mething..
den g0t fire nehx..
xia si w0..x=...
my micr0wave 0ven sp0ilt lia0x..
n0 m0re pizza...)=
at first dun wann t0 g0 sch0ol de..
g0 see d0ct0r..
s0 sickk l0rx..x=..
g0t g0..
c0s can see the australia bandd..x=..
dey sh0x c0ol..
and cann play veri well...(=..
dens the guys all veri shuaiix..x=..
gals are s0 prettiex...
dens after tt g0t training..
stewpidd attitude ppl..
dun care..
juz a bunch 0f sick0s..
dens yesterday..friday
wentt t0 st0re l0rx..
waitt f0r sarah t0 kn0ck 0ff fr0m w0rk..
at first wann t0 watch mean girls..
budden her m0mmie dun all0w..
n i t0t she can watch l0rx..
budden she haben even ask her m0mmie..x.x
g0t em0ti0nal lahx..
after tt wentt t0 amk central..
wibb la0g0ng..and sarah...x=..
den meet wibb justin and 3rd la0p0..
g0 arcade play..
veri the pr0 l0rx..
s0 envi0us..(=..
juz n0w i g0 mirc0wave s0mething..
den g0t fire nehx..
xia si w0..x=...
my micr0wave 0ven sp0ilt lia0x..
n0 m0re pizza...)=
Wednesday, July 14
ahhx ch0ox!..
sickk lerx..)=
m0nday g0t training..
s0 l0ng never train lerx..
at lastt..
g0t t0uchh until the ball..
wentt malaysia..
buy smth f0r tiz sunday..
i spendd al0rt n0rx...
wentt f0r dinner at tiz restaurant..
all dishes 0n 5RM..
den 0rder s0me l0ngan thingy..
it is the can drink add al0t 0f water and ice..
den i j0ked tt the can l0gan c0st $5..
sia suay..
c0s tt guy serving n0e chinese..x=...
den i sleep at 2 am n0rx...
den t0day english less0n wan t0 sleep mahx..
at first never kena caught de..
den suddenly she screamed at me..
s0 xia suay n0rx...
den after tt call wad parents de..
g0 call n0rx...
itx my dad fault tt why i n0t enuff sleep 0kay!..
daddy l0st his hp...
he seem t0 l0se it ar0und tiz time 0f the year..
last year als0 liddat..
think he b0ught e700a..
f0r me t0 use..x.x...
budden i tiz end 0f year den wann t0 change de n0rx..
i think daddy iz br0ke..x=...
den at first wann t0 watch s0me macd0nald m0vie de..
budden in the end meet xinni and ying at j8..
sh0p dere n0rx..
saw my la0g0ng dere wibb justin.....x=...
jeal0us le lahx..x=
s0 c0incidental...(=
ai w0 de la0g0ng..x=
happy birthday t0 mr ryan 0ng..x=...
ahhx ch0ox!..
sickk lerx..)=
m0nday g0t training..
s0 l0ng never train lerx..
at lastt..
g0t t0uchh until the ball..
wentt malaysia..
buy smth f0r tiz sunday..
i spendd al0rt n0rx...
wentt f0r dinner at tiz restaurant..
all dishes 0n 5RM..
den 0rder s0me l0ngan thingy..
it is the can drink add al0t 0f water and ice..
den i j0ked tt the can l0gan c0st $5..
sia suay..
c0s tt guy serving n0e chinese..x=...
den i sleep at 2 am n0rx...
den t0day english less0n wan t0 sleep mahx..
at first never kena caught de..
den suddenly she screamed at me..
s0 xia suay n0rx...
den after tt call wad parents de..
g0 call n0rx...
itx my dad fault tt why i n0t enuff sleep 0kay!..
daddy l0st his hp...
he seem t0 l0se it ar0und tiz time 0f the year..
last year als0 liddat..
think he b0ught e700a..
f0r me t0 use..x.x...
budden i tiz end 0f year den wann t0 change de n0rx..
i think daddy iz br0ke..x=...
den at first wann t0 watch s0me macd0nald m0vie de..
budden in the end meet xinni and ying at j8..
sh0p dere n0rx..
saw my la0g0ng dere wibb justin.....x=...
jeal0us le lahx..x=
s0 c0incidental...(=
ai w0 de la0g0ng..x=
happy birthday t0 mr ryan 0ng..x=...
Monday, July 12
saturday was s0 funn n0rx..
*byebye ct..*
itx was silver jubilee..
wentt t0 sch0ol early..
den helped t0 take s0me canns d0wn t0 the stall...
veri de heavy..
plastic bagg even br0ke 0ff...x.x...
den helped t0 arrange a bit n0rx..
after tt dpm lee came..
he c0me exactly at 10 am...
s0 zhun..
s0 the 0pening cerem0ny start..
den we threw ball0ons d0wn..
s0 nicee..
den suddenly see 0ne black garbage bag tt c0ntained the ball0on dr0pping d0wn..
s0 hilari0us n0rx..
every0ne was laughing until st0mach pain..
luckily never land 0n any 0f the vip de head...x=..
after tt g0 tend the stall..
liddat n0rx..
0ne thing veri funny..
dpm lee b0ught tiz dessert thingy fr0m a stall..
den he passed it t0 bentink..x=..
den he pass it t0 wai sze 0r s0me0ne..
we ate it..
c0s itx DPM LEE b0ught de..x=...
wentt t0 4/1's haunted h0use...
itx was s0 funny..x=...
wentt wibb wai sze and li main dey all..
den we h0ld hands..
c0s itx was s0 darkk..
we screamed..x=..
budden itx was s0 funny n0rx...
s0mm0re the 'gh0st' used a handph0ne..x=
den i wentt a sec0nd time..
wibb melissa khai serene lee..i think..
and a few kidds..
dey s0 funny als0x..
tiz time i keep 0n laughing...
even the kidds were n0t freaked 0ut 0r wadd...
verii funn...x=..
budden i keep 0n kn0cking int0 the walls..
t0o dark lia0x..x=..
after tt wentt 0ut wibb xinni and xin ying....
wann t0 watch mean girls de..
budden full place lia0x..
s0 sadd...)=...
den sh0p a bit..
den wentt t0 w0odlands..
and meet wibb th0se v0lunteers tt the twins meet in the m0rning during flag day..
s0 wentt t0 see the m0vie sl0t..
budden we came t0o late lerx..
*saw my aunt and caiyu sis dere*
xia da0!..x=....
b0ught tiz nail thingy..
veri de funn..x=...
i decide t0 be xtra guaii kia..
wentt t0 meet wibb chee an and sarah d0 hw!...x=...
at the tw0 st0rey mac at t0a pay0h..
s0 we chat a bitt..
ab0ut th0se mr p0ng thingy..
and tiz and tt...
catch up wadd we missed during the h0lidays..
itx was funn..
after tt we exc0rt chee an t0 her bus dere..
den wentt t0 bishan sh0p...
and b0ught tiz heart thingy tt can 0pen de...
veri nice..
s0 we wentt t0 the ne0print sh0p t0 take ph0t0..
cut it 0ut and put in the heart...
i l0ve it al0tx!..x=...
after tt wentt t0 xinni de h0use eatt dinner..
c0s her m0mmie c0ok al0t~..
veri yummy..*mmmmm....
wen wei was dere..
xinni aunt was dere t0o..
s0 we talk s0me gh0st st0ries and all tt..
laughhed al0t..
den played wibb the nail thingy...
until 1130 liddat den g0 h0me..
s0mm0re i keep thinking ab0ut the gh0st st0ry tt dey said..
luckily wen wei exc0rt me...
if n0t i will freak 0ut...x=...
t0day gary arhx..
he make sp0il my bracelet n0rx..
heart pain lehx.
i g0 buy again...x=...
g0t training in the aftern0on..
at last..
t0uch the ball..(=..
s0 niceee..
budden skills lan like hell..
dun need t0 say lia0x..
al0tx 0f thing happened n0rx..
i think i missed 0ut s0me 0f it...
*byebye ct..*
itx was silver jubilee..
wentt t0 sch0ol early..
den helped t0 take s0me canns d0wn t0 the stall...
veri de heavy..
plastic bagg even br0ke 0ff...x.x...
den helped t0 arrange a bit n0rx..
after tt dpm lee came..
he c0me exactly at 10 am...
s0 zhun..
s0 the 0pening cerem0ny start..
den we threw ball0ons d0wn..
s0 nicee..
den suddenly see 0ne black garbage bag tt c0ntained the ball0on dr0pping d0wn..
s0 hilari0us n0rx..
every0ne was laughing until st0mach pain..
luckily never land 0n any 0f the vip de head...x=..
after tt g0 tend the stall..
liddat n0rx..
0ne thing veri funny..
dpm lee b0ught tiz dessert thingy fr0m a stall..
den he passed it t0 bentink..x=..
den he pass it t0 wai sze 0r s0me0ne..
we ate it..
c0s itx DPM LEE b0ught de..x=...
wentt t0 4/1's haunted h0use...
itx was s0 funny..x=...
wentt wibb wai sze and li main dey all..
den we h0ld hands..
c0s itx was s0 darkk..
we screamed..x=..
budden itx was s0 funny n0rx...
s0mm0re the 'gh0st' used a handph0ne..x=
den i wentt a sec0nd time..
wibb melissa khai serene lee..i think..
and a few kidds..
dey s0 funny als0x..
tiz time i keep 0n laughing...
even the kidds were n0t freaked 0ut 0r wadd...
verii funn...x=..
budden i keep 0n kn0cking int0 the walls..
t0o dark lia0x..x=..
after tt wentt 0ut wibb xinni and xin ying....
wann t0 watch mean girls de..
budden full place lia0x..
s0 sadd...)=...
den sh0p a bit..
den wentt t0 w0odlands..
and meet wibb th0se v0lunteers tt the twins meet in the m0rning during flag day..
s0 wentt t0 see the m0vie sl0t..
budden we came t0o late lerx..
*saw my aunt and caiyu sis dere*
xia da0!..x=....
b0ught tiz nail thingy..
veri de funn..x=...
i decide t0 be xtra guaii kia..
wentt t0 meet wibb chee an and sarah d0 hw!...x=...
at the tw0 st0rey mac at t0a pay0h..
s0 we chat a bitt..
ab0ut th0se mr p0ng thingy..
and tiz and tt...
catch up wadd we missed during the h0lidays..
itx was funn..
after tt we exc0rt chee an t0 her bus dere..
den wentt t0 bishan sh0p...
and b0ught tiz heart thingy tt can 0pen de...
veri nice..
s0 we wentt t0 the ne0print sh0p t0 take ph0t0..
cut it 0ut and put in the heart...
i l0ve it al0tx!..x=...
after tt wentt t0 xinni de h0use eatt dinner..
c0s her m0mmie c0ok al0t~..
veri yummy..*mmmmm....
wen wei was dere..
xinni aunt was dere t0o..
s0 we talk s0me gh0st st0ries and all tt..
laughhed al0t..
den played wibb the nail thingy...
until 1130 liddat den g0 h0me..
s0mm0re i keep thinking ab0ut the gh0st st0ry tt dey said..
luckily wen wei exc0rt me...
if n0t i will freak 0ut...x=...
t0day gary arhx..
he make sp0il my bracelet n0rx..
heart pain lehx.
i g0 buy again...x=...
g0t training in the aftern0on..
at last..
t0uch the ball..(=..
s0 niceee..
budden skills lan like hell..
dun need t0 say lia0x..
al0tx 0f thing happened n0rx..
i think i missed 0ut s0me 0f it...
Friday, July 9
yesterday..stayed back n0rx...
c0s at first wanted t0 help in the silver jubilee de..
budden in the end help was n0t needed..
den stay backk slackk c0s it started t0 drizzle lia0x
c0s it was raining..
s0 wai sze dey all g0 help 3/5 since 0ur 0wn class dun need 0ur help..
went h0me wibb huifen..
den g0t tiz imh guy...x.x...
t0day was s0me rehearsal f0r the silver jubilee f0r tml..
veri fake n0r...
itx like a sh0w t0 sh0w dpm lee de...x.x...
sh00 n0w c0me h0me..
den 0n the way passed by the r0om..
s0 nice..
inside all filled wib ball0ons..
c0s at first wanted t0 help in the silver jubilee de..
budden in the end help was n0t needed..
den stay backk slackk c0s it started t0 drizzle lia0x
c0s it was raining..
s0 wai sze dey all g0 help 3/5 since 0ur 0wn class dun need 0ur help..
went h0me wibb huifen..
den g0t tiz imh guy...x.x...
t0day was s0me rehearsal f0r the silver jubilee f0r tml..
veri fake n0r...
itx like a sh0w t0 sh0w dpm lee de...x.x...
sh00 n0w c0me h0me..
den 0n the way passed by the r0om..
s0 nice..
inside all filled wib ball0ons..
Wednesday, July 7
m0nday was y0uth day..
wentt t0 meet in bus wibb xinni and ying and their m0mmie and wen wei..
s0 pai sehx when her m0mmie asked me whether i have d0ne my h0mew0rk..x=..
0k..i lied..
and i did n0t dare t0 l0ok at her m0mmie de facee..x.x..
i am n0t g0od in lying..x=...
dens wentt j8 meet up wibb andrew and nich0las..
wentt t0 cineleisure t0 watch spiderman 2..
budden all s0 full lia0x..
sh0 wentt t0 suntec city dere watch..
als0 n0 ticket..x.x...
s0 watch windstruck...
itx sh0 nice and t0uching and r0mantic..
dens ppl g0t cry..
the gal behind me cry until her eyes red red...x.x..
s0 jiaa latt..
budd itx nicee..(=..
during the m0vie......
we threw p0pc0rns ar0und n0rx...
den after tt a pigg arhx..
keep 0n disturb me..
thr0w s0 much p0pc0rn until my wh0le skirt fill wibb p0pc0rn..
like a c0ntainer liddat...
den after tt the p0pc0rn eat finish den the c0w g0 put it 0n my head..
like hat liddat..
s0 jia lat..
my hair all salt....
qi sii w0 lee...!
t0day wentt t0 watch spiderman2 wibb serene and limain..
veri nice n0rx...
den we g0 buy breadtalkk den limain t0t we never take...
den she t0ok the next cust0mer's de bread..
s0 xiaa suayy..x=
den als0 g0t see mcs de vanessa and her stead ba..
never change much n0rx..
and she still remembers me!!..(=
wentt t0 meet in bus wibb xinni and ying and their m0mmie and wen wei..
s0 pai sehx when her m0mmie asked me whether i have d0ne my h0mew0rk..x=..
0k..i lied..
and i did n0t dare t0 l0ok at her m0mmie de facee..x.x..
i am n0t g0od in lying..x=...
dens wentt j8 meet up wibb andrew and nich0las..
wentt t0 cineleisure t0 watch spiderman 2..
budden all s0 full lia0x..
sh0 wentt t0 suntec city dere watch..
als0 n0 ticket..x.x...
s0 watch windstruck...
itx sh0 nice and t0uching and r0mantic..
dens ppl g0t cry..
the gal behind me cry until her eyes red red...x.x..
s0 jiaa latt..
budd itx nicee..(=..
during the m0vie......
we threw p0pc0rns ar0und n0rx...
den after tt a pigg arhx..
keep 0n disturb me..
thr0w s0 much p0pc0rn until my wh0le skirt fill wibb p0pc0rn..
like a c0ntainer liddat...
den after tt the p0pc0rn eat finish den the c0w g0 put it 0n my head..
like hat liddat..
s0 jia lat..
my hair all salt....
qi sii w0 lee...!
t0day wentt t0 watch spiderman2 wibb serene and limain..
veri nice n0rx...
den we g0 buy breadtalkk den limain t0t we never take...
den she t0ok the next cust0mer's de bread..
s0 xiaa suayy..x=
den als0 g0t see mcs de vanessa and her stead ba..
never change much n0rx..
and she still remembers me!!..(=
Sunday, July 4
friday wentt t0 meet wibb xinni and ying and andrew..
dens g0 t0 h0ugang stadium dere meet wibb mei zhu..
wentt t0 see serang0on gardens sec de bball game..
w0ahx..dey all s0 damnn pr0 n0rx..x=..
dens after tt went mei zhu h0use..
den pei mei zhu t0 w0rk n0rx..
.......al0tx 0f thing happened.....
slacked at h0me yesterday and t0day...
tml g0ing 0ut..x=..
dens g0 t0 h0ugang stadium dere meet wibb mei zhu..
wentt t0 see serang0on gardens sec de bball game..
w0ahx..dey all s0 damnn pr0 n0rx..x=..
dens after tt went mei zhu h0use..
den pei mei zhu t0 w0rk n0rx..
.......al0tx 0f thing happened.....
slacked at h0me yesterday and t0day...
tml g0ing 0ut..x=..
Thursday, July 1
s0 busy these days to come online..
als0 f0rg0t wadd t0 type..
actually iz lazy..
i have t0 sleep..
c0s these few days keep 0n c0nferencing like dunn0 wad...
yesterday g0t tiz piggy sleep during c0nference n0rx..
c0s we heard pig sn0re..
funny manx..x=...
den t0day..
stay backk d0 last minute pr0ject w0rk..
itx damn farnie n0rx..
tml g0nna be a hilarious day..
s0 l0oking f0rward t0 it..(=
als0 f0rg0t wadd t0 type..
actually iz lazy..
i have t0 sleep..
c0s these few days keep 0n c0nferencing like dunn0 wad...
yesterday g0t tiz piggy sleep during c0nference n0rx..
c0s we heard pig sn0re..
funny manx..x=...
den t0day..
stay backk d0 last minute pr0ject w0rk..
itx damn farnie n0rx..
tml g0nna be a hilarious day..
s0 l0oking f0rward t0 it..(=
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