sch0ol starts t0day..
i still in h0liday m0od..
den keep 0n talking crap in class..x=..
den after sch0ol..
saw ct..
den hugg her..
s0 miss her n0rx...
den the half 0f ex-2/2 ppl g0 0utt wib her..
eat lunch..
den wentt t0 heartland mall take ne0s..
den g0t tis guy g0 tap my sh0ulder n0rx..
den i g0 stare at him..
g0 tap me f0r n0thing..
den after tt the same gr0up 0f ppl wibb tt guy g0 cut the ne0 wad...
tiz girl g0 like d0 the acti0n like n0t happy liddat de..
den iz she h0gging 0ver the siss0rs n0rx..
gib me such a slappy face l0ok..
s0 ah lian like..
aiya..dun care ab0ut her ler...
Monday, June 28
Sunday, June 27
Saturday, June 26
the day bf0re i wentt t0 watch vball match wibb the same ppl n0rx..
0bvi0usly singap0re l0st..x=..
bud dey played veri well against thailand..
iz just tt thailand iz much m0re str0nger..
andd dey can thunder..
while singap0re are weaker and can't jumpp as high as themm..
23-25 12-25 12-25..
better than la0s..
la0s kena thrash by thailand...x=
yesterday wentt t0 meet wibb xinni den g0 t0 her st0re dere..
waitt f0r her t0 finish w0rkk dens we g0 t0 play p0ol..
i am a t0tal n0ob at it..
n0 ch0ice..
first time playing mahx..
dere g0t
verii funn n0rx...
budden i m0st l0usy 0ne..
xinni can play betta...
l0lx..i even hit the light wibb tt stick thingy...
itx was accidental de...
den after tt wentt back t0 the st0re by taxi wib j0seph and wenwei and xinni..
saw tiz bus wibb the plate n0. 4444..
den when we reach the st0re the c0st 0f the taxi fare als0 $4.40..
s0 c0incidental..
0..xinni blurted 0ut tt thewh0* let her sm0ke..
when we are talking in the taxi...
den j0seph angry..
den he juz ran 0ut 0f the taxi and when backk t0 the st0re t0 sc0ld thewh0*..
s0 jia lat..
den g0 h0me wibb xinni and wen wei wh0 was there t0 send xinni h0me..
he was s0 angry tt he hit the p0le 0f the bus..
s0 xia suay..
all the bus deAUNTIES all staring at us...
den in the end i reach h0me at 12am n0rx...
veri late lerx..
c0me h0me every0ne sleeping..
daddy was n0t veri angry wibb me..
budden he is w0rried n0rx..
hengg erxx..*phew..x=
0bvi0usly singap0re l0st..x=..
bud dey played veri well against thailand..
iz just tt thailand iz much m0re str0nger..
andd dey can thunder..
while singap0re are weaker and can't jumpp as high as themm..
23-25 12-25 12-25..
better than la0s..
la0s kena thrash by thailand...x=
yesterday wentt t0 meet wibb xinni den g0 t0 her st0re dere..
waitt f0r her t0 finish w0rkk dens we g0 t0 play p0ol..
i am a t0tal n0ob at it..
n0 ch0ice..
first time playing mahx..
dere g0t
verii funn n0rx...
budden i m0st l0usy 0ne..
xinni can play betta...
l0lx..i even hit the light wibb tt stick thingy...
itx was accidental de...
den after tt wentt back t0 the st0re by taxi wib j0seph and wenwei and xinni..
saw tiz bus wibb the plate n0. 4444..
den when we reach the st0re the c0st 0f the taxi fare als0 $4.40..
s0 c0incidental..
0..xinni blurted 0ut tt the
when we are talking in the taxi...
den j0seph angry..
den he juz ran 0ut 0f the taxi and when backk t0 the st0re t0 sc0ld the
s0 jia lat..
den g0 h0me wibb xinni and wen wei wh0 was there t0 send xinni h0me..
he was s0 angry tt he hit the p0le 0f the bus..
s0 xia suay..
all the bus de
den in the end i reach h0me at 12am n0rx...
veri late lerx..
c0me h0me every0ne sleeping..
daddy was n0t veri angry wibb me..
budden he is w0rried n0rx..
hengg erxx..*phew..x=
Thursday, June 24
wentt t0 watch vball match yesterday
wibb vic and sinyee...
veri nicee n0rx..
dey play until s0 pr0..x=..
s0 l0ng never t0uch until vball lerx..
s0 siannx...
anyway thailand team is damnn pr0 n0rx..
can trash 0ther teams fr0m 0ther c0untry s0mm0re..
w0ahh..dey spike until sh00 nicee...
t0day g0nna watch again..
itx singap0re vs thailand..
singap0re sure l0se de lah..x=..
budden i supp0rt singap0re!..x=
wibb vic and sinyee...
veri nicee n0rx..
dey play until s0 pr0..x=..
s0 l0ng never t0uch until vball lerx..
s0 siannx...
anyway thailand team is damnn pr0 n0rx..
can trash 0ther teams fr0m 0ther c0untry s0mm0re..
w0ahh..dey spike until sh00 nicee...
t0day g0nna watch again..
itx singap0re vs thailand..
singap0re sure l0se de lah..x=..
budden i supp0rt singap0re!..x=
Tuesday, June 22
sunday wentt t0 east c0ast..
den al0t 0f thing happened lahx..
was veri frustrated by my uncle even quarreled wibb him..
in the end i think he wu hua ke shu0 le..x=..
budden quite funn ba...
dens at nightt g0 swimmin again..x=..
veri shuangg..
the night iz s0 c0ol den the water a bit warm...
budden s0 many ppl ar0und...
c0s itx father's day...
c0me backk h0me i sleep until next day..
i veri veri tiredd..c0s the day bf0re i 0nly sleep 4 h0urs..
slackk at h0me yesterday..
aar0n ran 0ut 0f the h0use wibb n0 ppl pei him..
i habb t0 grabb him h0me after tt..
den al0t 0f thing happened lahx..
was veri frustrated by my uncle even quarreled wibb him..
in the end i think he wu hua ke shu0 le..x=..
budden quite funn ba...
dens at nightt g0 swimmin again..x=..
veri shuangg..
the night iz s0 c0ol den the water a bit warm...
budden s0 many ppl ar0und...
c0s itx father's day...
c0me backk h0me i sleep until next day..
i veri veri tiredd..c0s the day bf0re i 0nly sleep 4 h0urs..
slackk at h0me yesterday..
aar0n ran 0ut 0f the h0use wibb n0 ppl pei him..
i habb t0 grabb him h0me after tt..
Saturday, June 19
tiz week iz s0 b0ring..x=..
haben been realli g0ing 0ut..
except t0 sch0ol and swimmin..
s0 sian..
never g0 sh0pping..
at least wind0w sh0ppin will d0..
c0s i am br0ke..x=..
actually wanted t0 g0 0ut yesterday..
budden xinni cann0t..
her hp was c0nfiscated and i can't c0ntact her..
stewwpiddd nich0las..
smsed her until 6 am..
she g0t a vi0lent quarrel wibb her m0mmy..
dunn0 whether dey g0t hurt..
h0pe its 0kay..
s0 l0okin f0rward t0 t0m0rr0w..
g0nna g0 picnic wibb family..
g0t ahh mahh g0ng...aunts uncle..c0usins..
g0nna be funn...
and i haben c0mpleted my h0mew0rk..
*i am s0o deadd*
haben been realli g0ing 0ut..
except t0 sch0ol and swimmin..
s0 sian..
never g0 sh0pping..
at least wind0w sh0ppin will d0..
c0s i am br0ke..x=..
actually wanted t0 g0 0ut yesterday..
budden xinni cann0t..
her hp was c0nfiscated and i can't c0ntact her..
stewwpiddd nich0las..
smsed her until 6 am..
she g0t a vi0lent quarrel wibb her m0mmy..
dunn0 whether dey g0t hurt..
h0pe its 0kay..
s0 l0okin f0rward t0 t0m0rr0w..
g0nna g0 picnic wibb family..
g0t ahh mahh g0ng...aunts uncle..c0usins..
g0nna be funn...
and i haben c0mpleted my h0mew0rk..
*i am s0o deadd*
Thursday, June 17
Tuesday, June 15
yesterday g0 t0 sch0ol f0r physics remedial..
heng g0t g0..
if n0t kena sc0lding fr0m mrs ye0..x=..
after tt went h0me..
t0 change..
c0s i never bring h0me cl0thes..
me and waisze and limain g0 lan sh0p play..
itx at paradiz centre beside..i thinkk
ermmx play...
dunn laughh..
c0s g0t ppl g0 lan sh0p play ne0pets..x=...
den after a while the wh0le lan sh0p fill wibb pe0ple playing cs..
s0 pai sehz..
s0 fun..
alth0ugh we juz next t0 each 0ther..
we sc0ld each 0ther thr0ugh chat..
funny n0rx..
i keep laughing n0n st0p...x=
den i play fairyland..x=..
g0t tiz guy 0utside..
he g0 see wad i playing..
like i s0 childish..x=...
after we wentt backk t0 ps...
we ate 3 f0r $2..x=..
den after we wentt t0 play wibb leg0..x=
g0t tiz leg0 fair 0utside 0f ps mahx..
den cann winn tiz harry p0tter leg0 figure which c0st $200+..
den at first t0t is human size..
budden itx 0nly 15 inch..
s0 ex...
den 0nly 0ne harry p0tter h0gwarts sch0ol de leg0..
c0st 200 plus...
t0ys are s0 expensive n0wadays...x=
0 yar...
gary juz t0ld me yesterday..
he g0t chickken p0x...
g0t m.c. until 21st lehx..
heng g0t g0..
if n0t kena sc0lding fr0m mrs ye0..x=..
after tt went h0me..
t0 change..
c0s i never bring h0me cl0thes..
me and waisze and limain g0 lan sh0p play..
itx at paradiz centre beside..i thinkk
ermmx play...
dunn laughh..
c0s g0t ppl g0 lan sh0p play ne0pets..x=...
den after a while the wh0le lan sh0p fill wibb pe0ple playing cs..
s0 pai sehz..
s0 fun..
alth0ugh we juz next t0 each 0ther..
we sc0ld each 0ther thr0ugh chat..
funny n0rx..
i keep laughing n0n st0p...x=
den i play fairyland..x=..
g0t tiz guy 0utside..
he g0 see wad i playing..
like i s0 childish..x=...
after we wentt backk t0 ps...
we ate 3 f0r $2..x=..
den after we wentt t0 play wibb leg0..x=
g0t tiz leg0 fair 0utside 0f ps mahx..
den cann winn tiz harry p0tter leg0 figure which c0st $200+..
den at first t0t is human size..
budden itx 0nly 15 inch..
s0 ex...
den 0nly 0ne harry p0tter h0gwarts sch0ol de leg0..
c0st 200 plus...
t0ys are s0 expensive n0wadays...x=
0 yar...
gary juz t0ld me yesterday..
he g0t chickken p0x...
g0t m.c. until 21st lehx..
Sunday, June 13
ermmx...n0t much thing happened...
thursday only go back to sch f0r english remedial...
bud g0t back m0re h0mew0rk..
i wished i never wentt back t0 sch0ol..
friday i slacked at h0me..
c0s c0me red singtel letter..x=
den yesterday..
veri funn day..
i meet wibb xinni same place..
in the bus..
budden i missed it..
s0 i wait f0r an0ther..
den walk ar0und at j8..
g0t zhang feng qi aut0graph sessi0n dere..
den ermmx..
xinni dun like her cl0thes..
den we sh0p ar0und t0 buy..
s0 tt she can change int0 it..
den cann0t find..
b0ught tt mac hat instead..x=
s0 we meet wib her br0...j0seph..
den g0 m0s burger..
den xinying say shez c0ming..
s0 she shun bian br0ught jeans f0r xinni t0 change..
meet up wib xin ying..
see her wear until s0 matured and s0 chi0..
0 yar..
daniel zhang feng qi..
can dance quite well..x=
den g0 t0 heeren take ne0s..
and sh0p ar0und f0r cl0thes..
i b0ught 0ne..
same as xinying..
den xin ying g0 change in it..
c0s shez the 0nly 0ne wearing while..
s0 xtra mahx..x=..
den take ne0s n0rx..
take until s0 ugly...
0 yar..
saw michelle..
mcs de..x=
chi0 bu w0rx..
0 yar...
als0 n0e tiz guy..
sellin tickets de..
he like a fren 0f j0seph..
budden iz juz ren shi de..
wentt t0 mac after tt..
t0 wait f0r mei zhu..
i meet wen wei..
a guy wh0se ji0ing mei zhu..
veri funnn n0rx..
j0seph keep 0n strangle him..
den xinni g0 put fries int0 wen wei's m0uth..
0 yar..
xinni s0 xia suay..
she say we sh0uld stay until mac cl0ses..
c0s g0t free french fries left0vers..
den s0 l0ud..
the cust0mers g0 l0ok at her..
damnn funny...x=
0 yarx!...
dey g0 di-xia0 me..
den i dunn0 h0w c0me my facee red red...
all bec0s 0f xinni n0rx..
wh0 like nich0las..
hai da0 w0..
dens after tt we g0 t0 play basketball..
nearby the mac..
g0t ppl playing s0ccer dere als0..
s0 must bcareful...
juz incase the ball hit...x=..
xinying alm0st kena..
bud heng g0t 0ne small primary sch0ol kidd0 screamed f0r her t0 siam..
den after the kidd0 dunn0 h0w c0me get angry wibb an0ther s0ccer malay kidd0..
dey pushed each 0ther ar0und until s0mething c0me flying 0ut..
i think wen wei picked it..
den asked its wh0se de.
den xinying g0 p0int at the tw0 kidd0s..
den wen wei g0 dere..
*oei..wan t0 fight dun fight here h0rx..
wh0se keychain iz thiz...*
den he return tt thingy..
s0 ah beng like..
den he s0 tall..
wibb the tw0 sh0rtie kidd0x..
xinni keep 0n saying..
*my her0 man!*
budden at least the tw0 kidds never fight lahx...
after a while
wentt back t0 the st0re n0rx..
den xinni still wearing the cap..
den tiz andrew wh0 keep 0n di-xia0ing ppl de..
g0 paste the *special 0rder sticker* 0n xinni cap..
den he say her cap is same as last time mac's de cap..
c0s xinni cap is different design..
s0 paste 0ne sticker dere..
s0 funny..x=..
i keep 0n laughing..
den after when mei zhu punch 0ut..
was veri late ler...ab0ut 10 plus..
s0 we g0 h0me t0gether..
xinying and zhu..wen wei and j0seph..
g0 h0me n0rx...
tts all ba...
thursday only go back to sch f0r english remedial...
bud g0t back m0re h0mew0rk..
i wished i never wentt back t0 sch0ol..
friday i slacked at h0me..
c0s c0me red singtel letter..x=
den yesterday..
veri funn day..
i meet wibb xinni same place..
in the bus..
budden i missed it..
s0 i wait f0r an0ther..
den walk ar0und at j8..
g0t zhang feng qi aut0graph sessi0n dere..
den ermmx..
xinni dun like her cl0thes..
den we sh0p ar0und t0 buy..
s0 tt she can change int0 it..
den cann0t find..
b0ught tt mac hat instead..x=
s0 we meet wib her br0...j0seph..
den g0 m0s burger..
den xinying say shez c0ming..
s0 she shun bian br0ught jeans f0r xinni t0 change..
meet up wib xin ying..
see her wear until s0 matured and s0 chi0..
0 yar..
daniel zhang feng qi..
can dance quite well..x=
den g0 t0 heeren take ne0s..
and sh0p ar0und f0r cl0thes..
i b0ught 0ne..
same as xinying..
den xin ying g0 change in it..
c0s shez the 0nly 0ne wearing while..
s0 xtra mahx..x=..
den take ne0s n0rx..
take until s0 ugly...
0 yar..
saw michelle..
mcs de..x=
chi0 bu w0rx..
0 yar...
als0 n0e tiz guy..
sellin tickets de..
he like a fren 0f j0seph..
budden iz juz ren shi de..
wentt t0 mac after tt..
t0 wait f0r mei zhu..
i meet wen wei..
a guy wh0se ji0ing mei zhu..
veri funnn n0rx..
j0seph keep 0n strangle him..
den xinni g0 put fries int0 wen wei's m0uth..
0 yar..
xinni s0 xia suay..
she say we sh0uld stay until mac cl0ses..
c0s g0t free french fries left0vers..
den s0 l0ud..
the cust0mers g0 l0ok at her..
damnn funny...x=
0 yarx!...
dey g0 di-xia0 me..
den i dunn0 h0w c0me my facee red red...
all bec0s 0f xinni n0rx..
wh0 like nich0las..
hai da0 w0..
dens after tt we g0 t0 play basketball..
nearby the mac..
g0t ppl playing s0ccer dere als0..
s0 must bcareful...
juz incase the ball hit...x=..
xinying alm0st kena..
bud heng g0t 0ne small primary sch0ol kidd0 screamed f0r her t0 siam..
den after the kidd0 dunn0 h0w c0me get angry wibb an0ther s0ccer malay kidd0..
dey pushed each 0ther ar0und until s0mething c0me flying 0ut..
i think wen wei picked it..
den asked its wh0se de.
den xinying g0 p0int at the tw0 kidd0s..
den wen wei g0 dere..
*oei..wan t0 fight dun fight here h0rx..
wh0se keychain iz thiz...*
den he return tt thingy..
s0 ah beng like..
den he s0 tall..
wibb the tw0 sh0rtie kidd0x..
xinni keep 0n saying..
*my her0 man!*
budden at least the tw0 kidds never fight lahx...
after a while
wentt back t0 the st0re n0rx..
den xinni still wearing the cap..
den tiz andrew wh0 keep 0n di-xia0ing ppl de..
g0 paste the *special 0rder sticker* 0n xinni cap..
den he say her cap is same as last time mac's de cap..
c0s xinni cap is different design..
s0 paste 0ne sticker dere..
s0 funny..x=..
i keep 0n laughing..
den after when mei zhu punch 0ut..
was veri late ler...ab0ut 10 plus..
s0 we g0 h0me t0gether..
xinying and zhu..wen wei and j0seph..
g0 h0me n0rx...
tts all ba...
Wednesday, June 9
ermx...went t0 watch harry p0tter t0day..
wib pei xin and gina..
missed the first part 0f it..
t0o bad..
budd it was nice..
t0m felt0n bec0me m0re shuai.
c0s n0w he never gel up his hair le..x=..
i g0t angry wib my sis..
c0s she ign0re me and talk t0 xinn.
den after i ask her wad she wan t0 eat..
she say anythin..
den i call her eat shit n0rx..
den after i t0o angry c0s she call me t0 g0 away..
pei chek..
sh0 i juz walked 0ut 0f cineleisure..
den s0mm0re 0utside rainin..
den i g0t wett n0rx..
xin and gina f0ll0w me..
i rush t0 mrt dere...
and wentt t0 find xinni at b00n keng mac dere..
first time g0 dere..
waited 5 h0urs f0r her t0 end her j0b..
luckily g0t xin ying..
if n0t i s0 l0nely...
saw mei zhu..
and she iz s0 pretty..
and cheerful...
c0ol..and blahx..
dens after g0 j8 eatt dinner den g0 h0me lerx..
0 yarrr yesterday i wentt t0 gardens wib dad n sis and kuku and ku zhangt0 rec0rd smth 0n tape..
den wentt t0 ti0ng bahru wib daddy and sista
ate lunch dere and dad bring me t0 queensway...
c0s meeting wib vic and sin yee..
budden i wait f0r 1 h0urs..
den i suddenly veri upset..
den i juz sit taxi h0me...
c0me h0me den sista already at h0me..
g0t a call fr0m pei xin..
den we g0 gardens again and meet wib pei xin dey all..
g0 swimmin..
hab funn n0rx...
0 yarx...i saw j0yce*vball juni0r* at gardens..
sh0~ her c0usin live dere...n0t bad...
wib pei xin and gina..
missed the first part 0f it..
t0o bad..
budd it was nice..
t0m felt0n bec0me m0re shuai.
c0s n0w he never gel up his hair le..x=..
i g0t angry wib my sis..
c0s she ign0re me and talk t0 xinn.
den after i ask her wad she wan t0 eat..
she say anythin..
den i call her eat shit n0rx..
den after i t0o angry c0s she call me t0 g0 away..
pei chek..
sh0 i juz walked 0ut 0f cineleisure..
den s0mm0re 0utside rainin..
den i g0t wett n0rx..
xin and gina f0ll0w me..
i rush t0 mrt dere...
and wentt t0 find xinni at b00n keng mac dere..
first time g0 dere..
waited 5 h0urs f0r her t0 end her j0b..
luckily g0t xin ying..
if n0t i s0 l0nely...
saw mei zhu..
and she iz s0 pretty..
and cheerful...
c0ol..and blahx..
dens after g0 j8 eatt dinner den g0 h0me lerx..
0 yarrr yesterday i wentt t0 gardens wib dad n sis and kuku and ku zhangt0 rec0rd smth 0n tape..
den wentt t0 ti0ng bahru wib daddy and sista
ate lunch dere and dad bring me t0 queensway...
c0s meeting wib vic and sin yee..
budden i wait f0r 1 h0urs..
den i suddenly veri upset..
den i juz sit taxi h0me...
c0me h0me den sista already at h0me..
g0t a call fr0m pei xin..
den we g0 gardens again and meet wib pei xin dey all..
g0 swimmin..
hab funn n0rx...
0 yarx...i saw j0yce*vball juni0r* at gardens..
sh0~ her c0usin live dere...n0t bad...
Monday, June 7
ermx..l0ng time n0 bl0g..
c0s dun feel like c0min 0nline..
went t0 ntuc..
b0ught al0t 0f junk f0od...
c0st 70 bucks..
aar0n keep 0n putting things int0 the basket*...
g0t vball match wib anders0n and dunman high..
l0st t0 dunman..
c0s 0f stewpiddd egg*...
c0s the dunman high gals all g0t l0ng legs and dey l0ok m0re prettier den us mahx..
s0 the egg gibb dem al0t 0f marks..
in ball can say 0ut ball..
0ut ball can say in ball..
after the match i c0me h0me..
dens g0 swimmin wibb daddy aar0n and sista..
slackk the wh0le day at h0me..
mr 0ng and ms ng big day..
dey gettin married..
and dey did n0t invite us*..
s0mm0re we celebrate mr 0ng birthday...
kuku c0me my h0use..
den g0 pei xian h0use bf0re g0ing t0 swimmin..x=..
talked wibb pei xian al0t al0t..
den g0 swimmin until 8.30 den c0me 0ut..x=..
missed harry p0tter sh0w ler..)=..
g0in 0ut lata wib xinni..
c0s dun feel like c0min 0nline..
went t0 ntuc..
b0ught al0t 0f junk f0od...
c0st 70 bucks..
aar0n keep 0n putting things int0 the basket*...
g0t vball match wib anders0n and dunman high..
l0st t0 dunman..
c0s 0f stewpiddd egg*...
c0s the dunman high gals all g0t l0ng legs and dey l0ok m0re prettier den us mahx..
s0 the egg gibb dem al0t 0f marks..
in ball can say 0ut ball..
0ut ball can say in ball..
after the match i c0me h0me..
dens g0 swimmin wibb daddy aar0n and sista..
slackk the wh0le day at h0me..
mr 0ng and ms ng big day..
dey gettin married..
and dey did n0t invite us*..
s0mm0re we celebrate mr 0ng birthday...
kuku c0me my h0use..
den g0 pei xian h0use bf0re g0ing t0 swimmin..x=..
talked wibb pei xian al0t al0t..
den g0 swimmin until 8.30 den c0me 0ut..x=..
missed harry p0tter sh0w ler..)=..
g0in 0ut lata wib xinni..
Wednesday, June 2
t0day kena wake up by my step br0..
y0ung t0ddler..
keep 0n making th0se n0ises tt baby makes grabbing adults attenti0n..
hez cute..
and disgustin.
saliva drippin when he talks..x=
and the milk leaking when he drinks..
den i call him t0 swall0w den he say dunn habb saliva..
went swimmin at the gardens at 4pm..
i saw ming li..
sh0 sh0cked..x=..
y0ung t0ddler..
keep 0n making th0se n0ises tt baby makes grabbing adults attenti0n..
hez cute..
and disgustin.
saliva drippin when he talks..x=
and the milk leaking when he drinks..
den i call him t0 swall0w den he say dunn habb saliva..
went swimmin at the gardens at 4pm..
i saw ming li..
sh0 sh0cked..x=..
Tuesday, June 1
the day bf0re i went t0 a f0od fair..
and i eatt al0t~!...
budden alm0st all is taiwan sausages..x=..
eat ab0ut 4-5...x=..
and i am sickk 0f it..
i als0 kn0cked int0 a b0y and a girl 0n the day..
the b0y was t0o sh0rt and i did n0t see him..
den he kn0cked int0 my elb0w..x=..
the girl was als0 t0o sh0rt..x=
yesterday xinni c0me t0 my h0use..
we s0rt 0f chatted a bit
den we went t0 j8 and watched c0nfessi0ns 0f a teenage drama queen..
xinni did manicure...
and it came 0ut nice..
veri nicee...
the day bf0re i went t0 a f0od fair..
and i eatt al0t~!...
budden alm0st all is taiwan sausages..x=..
eat ab0ut 4-5...x=..
and i am sickk 0f it..
i als0 kn0cked int0 a b0y and a girl 0n the day..
the b0y was t0o sh0rt and i did n0t see him..
den he kn0cked int0 my elb0w..x=..
the girl was als0 t0o sh0rt..x=
yesterday xinni c0me t0 my h0use..
we s0rt 0f chatted a bit
den we went t0 j8 and watched c0nfessi0ns 0f a teenage drama queen..
xinni did manicure...
and it came 0ut nice..
veri nicee...
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