Saturday, May 29

btw..tiz t0 sarah..
i am n0t angry wib u..
n0r d0 i hate u f0r d0ing tt..
juz veri veri sadd..

i am upset when i f0und 0ut tt ur disapp0inted in me..
c0s u dun n0e wad really happened..
i am realli hurt ab0ut tis.
i dun wan t0 face it..
i can't f0rgive and i will n0t f0rget what had happened..
i am afraid tt the same thing w0uld happen again t0 me and i will g0 crazy when tt time c0mes....
bud itx bec0s that dey hab betrayed the trust i hab in them..
it is str0ng enuff t0 break 0ur frenship..
it cann0t heal anym0re..
tts why i did n0t wann t0 g0 t0 sch0ol..
i am s0 afraid i g0 crazy 0n the last day..
tts why i t0t 0f transferring sch0ol..
d0 u n0e b0th sides 0f the st0ry yet...

i am stubb0rn..
i can't f0rgive and f0rget s0 easily..
it is hard..
tts why i am upset when u write tt ur disapp0inted bc0s u dun n0e h0w much i have g0ne thr0ugh...
i have tried t0 f0rgive..
i just can't..
tts why i just leave it..
i d0n't wan t0 face it c0s it will make me crazy..
was sickk yesterday..
after i went t0 ptc..
0 yar..i g0t 12 in clas..
f0r tw0 and a half years..
i am always 12..
after i went t0 ptc den i c0me h0me..
have a nap..
den went 0ut wib daddy and sista t0 eatt sakae..
budden i suddenly sick..
feel s0 weak..
budden i still eat the sushi..
waste my dad's m0ney..x=..
c0me back h0me and sleep m0re..
den i feel m0re betta..

0 yarr...just n0w g0 night market...
den b0ught al0t 0f f0od..
den g0 cheers and buy mil0 ice 0r smth liddat..
den iz like me and gina like idi0ts liddat dunn0 h0w t0 0perate tt machine..
den the guy als0 dun wann c0me and help..
veri xia suay...

Thursday, May 27

ermmx..juz n0w g0 0ut wib ppl..
stephanie..wai sze..qingyu...edward and stephanus..
the gals all l0ok s0 nice in their cl0thes..
c0s itx the first time i see dem n0t wearing sch0ol u..
went t0 cine t0 watch the day after tml..
it rawks..
s0 nice..
den i was talking wibb qingyu..
the man in fr0nt keep 0n l0okin back...

after the m0vie....
g0 and take ne0printx..
den edward keep 0n irritating us n0rx..
cann0t take 0ur ph0t0s in peace...
after the guys g0 take their dinner den we g0 t0 heeren..
and pang seh qingyu..
c0s she habb t0 g0 h0me...*s0rryx*..
take ne0s again den g0 h0me lerx..
the day will be perfect if edward is n0t dere..
keep 0n using deoderant t0 spray 0n ppl...
and it STINKs...
finee..i am badd...
i shall st0p my hand frm typing m0re.
and shut my m0uth frm blabbering m0re...
i am s0 pissed 0ff when ppl wanted t0 change my attitude..
when dey ownselves has attitude pr0blems..
r u sure u all cared..
let me j0in int0 c0nversati0ns and such..
when i leave then all the smile gets int0 y0ur faces..
sc0lded me when i just asked a questi0n..
talk behind my back s0 much t0 every0ne..
and cared ab0ut my feelings huhx..
a weird way 0f caring..
is tt h0w u sh0uld care..
sh0uld i care ab0ut u all and tell 0ther ppl ab0ut all y0ur bad characters..
have u cared ab0ut thinking h0w i w0uld feel?..
ab0ut caring ab0ut me when i did n0t g0 t0 sch0ol..
r u all sure tt u all cared...
why did u send sms saying th0se hurting w0rds tt made me m0re angrier..
i am angry why am i s0 blind that i made frens wib pe0ple like dat..
and i t0t dey were the best in the w0rld..
even if s0metimes dey have attitude pr0blems...
i w0uld n0t tell t0 the wh0le w0rld..
at least i n0e wad true frens is n0w...(=

Wednesday, May 26

everything is s0 fake.
it is just reas0ns..
n0thing can change the fact..
everything will n0t be the same..
c0s itx t0o late already...
al0t 0f things happened...
didn't g0 sch0ol t0day..
didn't feel like..
and i d0nt wan t0 see dem..
i scared tt i will d0 smth evil 0r wadd..

i'm happy..
c0s i t0t tt i am l0nely..
bud i am n0t..
xinni was crying last night c0s i am crying..
philip was c0ncerned..
qingyu...waisze dey all..stephanus...and j0sephine..
especially m0mmie and daddy..and my ah mah..x=...
dey all cried manx..
s0 t0uched..
xie xie xinni and xin ying f0r c0ming 0ver t0 my h0use t0day...
u all realli br0ught l0ads 0f laughter al0ng...(=

i'm s0 afraid 0f ptc..
am i g0ing t0 transfer?
wad will dad tell t0 mr g0h?..
he dun even n0e nuts ab0ut 0ur character..
i dun think i will will be hard..
c0s it is difficult t0 find a sch0ol rite n0w..

Tuesday, May 25

i tried t0 thr0w temper less 0ften lia0x..
iz al0t if u wann t0 c0mpare wib my primary sch time..
why d0 pe0ple 0nly see the badd side..
0ther pe0ple dun hab mehx..
why spread s0me untrue rum0urs..
and whats m0re..
wad shi han did was veri t0o much lerx..
i dun n0e if the rest is the 0ne wh0 initiated it..

i accept my mistake..
bud there is a need f0r pr0ve..
c0s i dun believe anything with0ut pr0ve..
and if i wr0ng..
i will admit..
0r u can even explain t0 me clearly..
s0 tt i can understand..
shi han sc0lded me at mac alm0st made me cry..
i was 0nly clarifying my d0ubts..
and i dun even n0e tt i was clarifying the WRONG way..
i dun even n0e tt the t0ne 0f itx was harsh..
n00ne t0ld me.....
0k..itx an0ther way 0f shutting ppl up bf0re i realli l0se my temper..

i dun wan t0 g0 sch tml..
ash bec0me the president 0f student c0uncil..
pe0ple all having a rebelli0n..
ms ng was s0 angry..

0k...i dislike unt0uchable 5..x=
aline..shi han..j0yce..wei ming
th0se things i have been saying f0r m0nths is refering t0 her..

h0w c0me dey never t0ld me ab0ut my pr0blems wib my attitude..
i admit i am bossy especially when it c0mes t0 pr0ject..
i wan t0 finish the pr0ject...
make it perfect..
aline did n0t d0 0ne 0f the w0rk..
den i see sha0 ming veri ke lian..
s0 i helped sha0 ming..
i t0t she w0uld c0me 0nline t0 help us..
bud she did n0t..
and n0w it l0oks like itx my fault..
dey say itx bec0s fr0m last year that dey dun like my attitude..
den why until n0w dun tell me ab0ut it..
itx is just a reas0n s0 that they c0uld dislike me..
bec0s i am uglier and fatter..

what is m0re w0rse tt dey talk bad ab0ut me..
n0t between demselfs..
bud t0 every0ne wh0 c0me cl0se t0 me...
s0 tt dey will n0t hang 0ut wib me..
tiz is n0t fair..
dey wanted t0 is0late me..
why sh0uld y0u d0 such a thing..
c0s u r afraid tt i w0uld d0 tt t0 0ther ppl..
s0 u did it..
s0 tt even if i say the TRUTH...
n0one will believe me..
i will n0t d0 such a EVIL thing..
itx t0o h0rrible..
0nly m0nsters wib n0 em0ti0ns will d0 tt...

even shi han used me..
dey say shi han is influenced by aline..
i dunn0..

tis year aline birthday..
the day bf0re..
n0one c0uld g0 buy the present f0r her..
and i als0 have n0 time..
c0s itx already veri late at night..
c0s in the aftern0on i had a match wib some sch0ols..
and i am damn tired..
budden i still run t0 j8 t0 buy preci0us m0ments..
s0mm0re i had t0 b0rr0w m0ney frm daddy t0 buy it..
and in the end i g0t a sc0lding c0s 0nly s0me 0f the pe0ple wh0 said they wanted t0 share the present pay me the m0ney...
i was s0 angry as i always am the 0ne giving al0t al0t..
and she dun treat me as best fren..
i t0t we were best fren 0thers think s0 t0o..
budden we are n0t..

having attitude pr0blems during ipw and can't keep secrets is the 0nly tw0 reas0ns that u is0late me?...
why dun u think ab0ut urself..
y0ur 0wn attitude..
why did u badm0uth a fren s0me0ne u n0e f0r a l0ng time..
c0uld easily hurt s0me0ne wib ur acti0ns..
why d0 u have rude remarks 0n y0ur tagb0ard..
u wann 0ther pe0ple t0 change..
why dun u think ab0ut y0urself...

anyway..i n0e i g0t pr0blems when i d0 ipw..
bud i am already trying t0 st0p my temper lia0x...
itx difficult...n0t easy...

i cried yesterday f0r the wh0le aftern0on..
at j8..
walk r0und and r0und j8 like a t0ot kia..
i t0t i wun cry..
pe0ple still sc0ld me stupid f0r crying..
i dun n0e why tears just r0ll d0wn..
maybe i did n0t expect a fren t0 be liddat..
s0 heartless..
i just burst 0ut all my t0t and feelings t0 stephanus..
i really cann0t take it lia0x..
t0day als0..
dey keep 0n saying ab0ut stephanus and me..
i realli wann t0 scream at dem t0 shut dem up...
i wan t0 use all the vulgar w0rd t0 vent my anger...

ya...i was crying c0s i felt tt i am s0 stupid..
i t0t we c0uld be frens again when we talked..
budden that day is the day we had training..
aline did n0t wan t0 be al0ne..
s0 she talk t0 me..
i am being backstabbed..
when she did n0t even care a shit ab0ut me during days when there is n0 training..

nvm..i sh0uld feel happy f0r dem..
and myself..
if n0t f0r dem..
i w0uld n0t have f0und betta frens..
frens that c0uld have appreciated me and what i have d0ne..
tell me truthfully ab0ut my faults...
and n0t gib up h0pe 0n me and is0late me..

if any 0f u read tix..
wan t0 sc0ld me..
juz say s0me rude remarks 0n my tagb0ard...

Monday, May 24

i watch tv last night..
f0und 0ut tt pe0ple wh0 uses revenge as a way t0 get back at 0ther pe0ple have l0w EQ..

t0o much things happen..
s0 mani ppl l0okin at me...
xia suay...
saw hui fen and her and kelvin..x=..
xia da0~

Sunday, May 23

grrr...t0ok suchh a l0ng time t0 l0g int0 heymathh...
i keep f0rgetting my passw0rd...x=
still g0rt s0me lame hw..

Saturday, May 22

flag day t0day..
actually quite fun...lax~..
c0s we did n0t g0 beggin f0r m0ney...
itx was quite embarrassing when we have t0 return back the m0ney..x=
i think mine was the lightest...x=
inside 0nli $3.20

we*aline sin yee vict0ria and me*..g0 t0 0rchard..
actually wan g0 cine take ne0s de..
budden t0o early lia0x...
t0o badd..
den g0 t0 heeren..
saw dawn desiree annette mingli vivien and sheryl..
c0s heeren haben 0pen yet..
s0 we just sit 0utside..
den g0t tiz guy c0me up t0 us and call us t0 d0nate m0ney..
i t0ld him we als0 hab flag day and gib him crappy reas0ns s0 tt he will g0 away..
budden in the end he never lahx..
suddenly i saw the heeren aut0matic d0or 0pen..
i hurriedly run int0 heeren...
den the rest 0f the 9 ppl f0ll0wed al0ng..
damnn funny..
xiaa suayyx..x=

we t0ok ne0s at heeren...
the c0l0ur c0me 0ut nice...

Friday, May 21

Happy birthday dawnn~

tml is flag day..
have t0 wake up early..)=
myy beauuty sleep...x=
budden flag day in the m0rning have lesser ppl..
s0 xia suay lesser..x=

t0day g0t m0od swing..
didn't wann t0 g0 t0 sch...
den at last wake up..
change my unif0rm and i ferg0t t0 zip my skirt..
den g0 sch...
after i put d0wn my bag..
den went t0 gibb dawn present..
melissa tell me tt i haven zip..
s0 xia suay..
luckily i wear sh0rts..x=..
imagine tt time the girl wh0 did n0t zip up..
s0mm0re she never wear sh0rts..
maybe t0day itx my retributi0n..x=...

ermmx...t0day hab n0thin t0 d0 after sch..
s0 decide t0 hang 0ut wib main..gerald...
den the 0M ppl washing the cars..
gerald g0 and spray water 0n dem...
we are at 4 level..and dey are at the first level..
budden evill..x=..

went t0 j8...
c0s n0thin t0 d0..
rather g0 j8 den g0 h0me..
when we reach 0ur bus st0p...
gerald start t0 press the bell twice..
den s0me 0ther idi0t started t0 press an0ther time..
gerald pressed again..
the idiot pressed 2 times..
and tis c0ntinues until we reach the bus st0p 0utside bishan mrt...
den after tt me li mian serene and wai sze c0me d0wn fr0m the bus..
gerald when he wanted t0 c0me d0wn...
the d0or shut in fr0nt 0f him..
he pressed again..
guess tt the driver was pretty pissed 0ff by gerald..x=..

s0 we went t0 see shrek 2...
and dey gave s0me shrek t0y that have a big watery tummy and has 3 rats in it..
very disgusting..x=...
we b0ught p0pc0rns bf0re we went int0 the cinema..
den serene wanted t0 gib us back the tickets at the cinema..
den f0uund 0ut 0nly hab 4..*5 0f us went t0 the cinema*
the dumbb staff member veri t0ot never even check when he tearing the tickets...
s0 n0w we g0 xtra n0t t0rn ticket
gerald suggest t0 call p0tter g0..
since g0t "free ticket.."
budden in the end he never g0 nahx...

watchin m0vie halfway, gerald had a crasy idea..
he wanted t0 thr0w p0pc0rns at the pe0ple in fr0nt 0f us...
den i p0inted 0ut 0ne 0f the pers0n in fren...*keny0n*
gerald start t0 thr0w p0pc0rn at keny0n..
s0 xxia suay...x=...

shrek 2 is nice...
i like the cat..
s0 cuteee..
and itx s0 funny..
keep 0n laughing...

den after the m0vie we just sh0pped ar0und j8 n0r...
den gerald t0t tt the airc0n was leaking..
f0und 0ut that it was the st0mach 0f shrek was leakin water 0r s0me chemical..
c0s gerald pluckk the tummy 0ut and went t0 squeeze it...
den he g0 squeeze s0mm0re...
den g0t 0ne uncle walk pass gerald..
gerald dun n0e...
den he squeeze the tummy...
den the uncle kena the chemical n0rx..
0k..i admit it was funny...x=

hadd suchh a crasy day...

Thursday, May 20

s0 many pe0ple n0e ab0ut it..
i dun n0e why..
0r even h0w dey n0e..
i t0t n0one trust me..
maybe itx bec0s i dun even trust any0ne..
even myself..
these days..
everything seems like a dream..
n0thin seems real..
i dun n0e wad i am d0ing..

h0t tempered n0wadays..
s0 pissed 0ff...

yesterday s0 xia suay..
ferg0t bring wallet t0 sch0ol..
den cann0t g0 h0me..x=..
luckily g0t g0od s0uls like qingyu lend me m0ney..

g0t t0rtured by mr 0ng t0day..
run tw0 r0unds 0utside the sch0ol.. least i dun feel like v0mitting after the run..
aline is bian taii...
run s0 fast..x=

n0thin le ba..
*havin sick0 flag day again tis saturday..
laughed al0t t0day..
itx been s0 l0ng i have been laughing...

`harry p0tter r0x...m0vie c0min 0ut s0on..i wanna g0 watch...

Tuesday, May 18

ermmx..g0t back my c0mbine humanities..
flunk it..
bud if add ca1..
i may pass...

went t0 see 50 first dates t0day at cineleisure...
waz my first time watching m0vie at cine..
wib annette.waisze.limain.serene...
the sh0w was nice...
andd r0mantic..wib s0me hurm0ur in it...
the sits were c0mf0rtable..
betta than yishun's gv..
s0 hard..den the sit n0t stable..
i keep 0n w0bbling..
s0 xia suay..
k0r at the side..
v0lunteer t0 change sit..
budden i did n0t...
c0s i dun wan t0 sit beside the *c0rrid0r*...

pai sehx...spell wr0ng li main's name..
s0 i edit n0w thursday may 2004 9.37pm..x=
luckily wai sze reminded me...
and she lauffed at li main... main was used t0 it...x=
0 yarx...
was realli funny after the sh0w..
it ended at ab0ut 5 plus...
and we all g0 l0ng j0hn's t0 grabb s0me f0od..
alm0st all 0f us...
wai sze and annette didn't wann t0 eat..
wann t0 slim d0wn..
s0mm0re dey are NOT fat!...
annette was dere sc0lding us...
*can u all plz dun make tt crunchy s0und..
like the fries are s0 crunchy..x=..
and i was dere laughing until my st0mach hurtz..x=...


Monday, May 17

okayx...t0day was ok..
g0t back h0rrible results..
ge0g g0t 15/50..
can't st0p laughing..
i dun n0e wad was i feeling at that time...
physics t0o....43/100..
fail..0ur class did h0rribly in physics..
btw...i sit beside han z0ng...
and 0n my right is jun jie..
u n0e h0w stressing am i..
sit in the middle these tw0 genius in class..
chemistry..wibb the help 0f ah k0r..
i g0t 75/100...yahx...
i d0 n0t have t0 use physics t0 pull up my L1R5
btw...i calculated that i w0uld get at least 18 and ab0ve f0r the L1R5..
h0pefully i can pass my english..x=...

3/2 sux...n0 unity 0r anything..
ppl inside are s0 petty..
n0one wans t0 kn0w each 0ther...
t0 s0lve the misunderstandin...
wh0 cares..

training was 0kay...
ran 3 r0unds ar0und the sch...
luckily it n0t 4 r0unds [2.4km+]
if n0t i kick ong's butt...x=
vict0ria was sick..
s0 i pei her run..
budden i think my speed t0o fast fer her lerx...
btw..i think my kneeguards are g0ing t0 be c0rr0ded..
gr0wing fungus 0r s0mething..
damnn disgusting..
i asked mr 0ng f0r a new 0ne..
den he say need t0 sh0w him the 0ld de..
sick0 nahx!...
budden vball r0x..
s0 l0ng never play lerx..
missed it al0t..
dun think aline like t0day...

0 yahx..after training...
aline saw her hp..
den she start t0 laughh...
sarah g0t n0minated t0 bec0me exc0 member..
g0od n0rx..


Sunday, May 16

ermmx...went 0ut t0 meet xinni..wayteng and philip..
g0 see tr0y..
tr0y a bit er xinn nahx.
b0ring als0..
c0s all fight here fight dere..
den g0 s0me RA parts..
at first wann t0 see van hel sing de...
budden xinni see lerx..
s0 t0o bad..
den after g0 arcade play..
laughh until my st0mach painn..
t0o bad never see krystle t0day..

0 yeahhx..
nightmare is c0ming s0on..
tml g0nna take back papers..
veri veri dead..
training starts tml..
*dun n0e h0w t0 take my b0oks t0 sch...and my knee guard*..
grrr*...i dun wann t0 runn..x=..

o yahhx... saw cw and josephine..
cw at j8.
den josephine is when i on the way home...
chat wib josephine for a while..
den ish like i wear a bit like ahh lian..
josephine say i putt make up s0mm0re..
i think gibb her daddy a badd impression...x=..
nvm..wh0 cares

Saturday, May 15

i'm s0 pissed 0ff..
xinni just pang seh me..

sitting arrangement changed..
i'm damn pissed off..

hez ign0ring me..
i'm super angry...

i hate ppl wh0 badm0uth 0thers..
thinks that dey are great..

Friday, May 14

i hate that manager..
she damn scary..
finee..i regret g0ing f0r the interview..
c0s i dun wann t0 w0rk mac anym0re..
it is s0 sickening..
need t0 m0p the fl0or..
clear rubbish..
clean here..clean dere..
s0 charm~!..
at h0me i dun need t0 d0 anything..
just 0rder my mad ar0und..

budden i wann t0 w0rk nehx..

Thursday, May 13

exams are 0fficially 0ver...
c0s 0f the stupid chinese listening c0mpre..
must g0 back t0 sch..
f0r 30 mins?..
i was happy by wad the guys c0mmented..
dun say anym0re..
i beginning t0 hate myself f0r being s0 evil..

ermxx..after thatt stupidd thingy..
that make me wake up s0 early..
10am..*t0o early fer me*..
dens g0 mac n0rx..
den after g0 see c0mic..
dens j0sephine was dere..
dens j0sephine daddy was 0utside..
i t0t is tik0pek..
c0s keep lo0king inside the c0mic sh0p..
budden daniel xu and hui fen b0th say he shuai..
c0s her daddy scared he rec0gnise the wr0ng pers0n as her d0tter..
+ hui fen daddy als0 never live wib her lerx..
i'm s0 scared that 0ne day daddy w0uld f0rget h0w i l0ok..
i dun wann daddy t0 leave me..
even th0ugh its his fault that 0ur family is br0ken..

i amm s0 stressed..
headfull 0f fan na0..

i have:::

frens that ign0re me..
tml getting back results...
sunday...the meeting..
still g0t al0t al0t m0re...
i dun wan t0 think 0f it..
c0s it will add m0re white hair t0 my black hair..

every0ne seems t0 be ign0ring me..
i'm trapped behind a wall..
n00ne can see wad i d0 0r hear wad i say..
c0s dey dun care..

beginnin t0 think 0f ya__..
grr* ign0ring me t0o!..

Wednesday, May 12

t0day g0 0ut wib daddy and gina..
first time ride on mrt wib daddy..
c0s daddy g0 repair his car..
dens g0 ti0ng baru dere t0 eat sakae sushi..
saw aris0n and ji ying..
veri funny..x=
dating must g0 s0 far..

dens after dat g0 c0llect car n0rx..
thats all ba..

h0pe i can pass the interview..
den can have m0ney t0 spend..

Tuesday, May 11

nice day t0day..
i'm happy..
alth0ugh a bit b0red..
talked wib 3/2 peeps t0day..
l0ngest chat c0nference..
unt0uchable 4...
life is s0 weird..
full 0f mysteries...
itx like u s0metimes can't say what u think t0 s0me0ne cl0se t0 y0u..
u c0uld speak ur mind when ur wib s0me0ne u dun n0e veri well..

full 0f saddness....
th0usand sw0rds peircin thr0ugh ur heart when s0me0ne hurts ya..
even if itx just a w0rd..
he w0uld send all the bees t0 sting ur heart...
living the scars behind...
the pain that c0uld n0t be f0rg0tten

full 0f anxiety..
i'm s0 afraid that it w0uld happen...
h0w am i t0 survive..
w0uld i just end my life..
w0uld it be painful..
where w0uld i g0 after that..
what if i say s0rry..
even th0ugh itx n0t my fault..
i will never say s0rry..
itx the hardest thing t0 d0..

but full 0f happiness...
laughin fr0m y0ur heart...
when u n0e s0me0ne cares..(=

weird...why can't it be onli happiness and only happiness

t0 qy and gerald:: hen xie xie ni men...

Monday, May 10

read nellie's bl0g...
i was feeling the same thing as her..
pe0ple w0uld like t0 hang 0ut wib s0me0ne prettier 0r wadeva
cleverer pers0n?
s0me0ne wib betta attitude..
0r s0me0ne wh0 sh0ws that dey care f0r 0thers m0re than i d0..
i d0 care f0r s0me0ne..
bud i dun sh0w it..
is that i d0nt n0e h0w..

i d0nt wan t0 be s0me0ne wh0 stuck up t0 0ther pe0ple just t0 gain p0pularity 0r being liked by 0ther pe0ple...
i was 0nce liddat..
she is 0ne t0o..
i dun wan t0 wear a smiley mask even th0ugh i am sad inside..
i will n0t n0e wad t0 d0 when i take 0ut the mask..

[-`i wann t0 g0 s0mewhere where i c0uld be myself..and be accepted f0r wh0 i really am..t0 be liked and cherish..a place where i c0uld shed n0 tears...
=`i am h0ping f0r such place...where reality c0uld n0t bring me...
*-i c0uld 0nly dream....
se/fish me...i wan t0 be the 0nly 0ne....
channel all the negative th0ughts and energy away..
after a sleep and a c0mic..
i'm backk to the crasy girl i am..
exams ends tml..
i have dr0pped back int0 the h0le..
her help was n0t enuff...
i have n0t enuff strength t0 climb up the h0le..
she has 0ther things t0 attend t0..
cried 0n the way back..
i t0t we were supp0sed t0 be frens..
i t0t i have already given up?
bud i have been g0ing r0und in circles..
ending up in the same place 0ver and 0ver again..
the pers0n wh0 t0ok all the things that c0uld have helped me...
left me in the dark...
n0t even a glance at me when i fall...
n0t even a w0rd 0f c0ncern....
seeing me suffer makes the enj0yment...

*`i am still crying...why did y0u gave an empty pr0mise`+
chem exam was a breeze c0mpared t0 physics...
s0rry did n0t help at all..

Sunday, May 9

i miss m0mmie..
happy m0thers day t0 every m0thers in da w0rld..

juz went 0ut wibb da gu zhang...ah di...ahmah...ahg0ng..
g0 eatt pizzahutt..
celebrate m0thers day...

hadd a weird dream last night..
dream that we bec0me g0od frens..
den i g0 takke my sh0es frm classrm 0r wadeva den g0t m0nster c0me..
and i go for a surgery..
have my stomach...foot...legs all stitched up...
15 years ag0 -`
*i was in m0mmie tummie...
*feedin 0n what m0mmie eat..
*m0st pr0bably is durian...

10 years ag0 -`
*i was 5
*kindergarden 1
*in zion kindergarden
*have long and beautiful hair..

5 years ag0 -`
*in mcs
*primary 4
*streamin exams
*tution at 304
*quiet gal

3 years ag0 -`
*primay 6
*g0t jiggly a year ag0...
*PSLE...did n0t study at all
*first time same class wibb peixian
*quarrel wib her 0nce and we b0th ended crying...
*best fren wibb xinni and chee an and peixian
*went t0 amkss
*i think is when m0mmie and daddie div0rce..
*scared....dun dare t0 tell any0ne..

1 year ag0 -`
*sec 2....14 years 0ld
*frens wib al0t 0f ppl..

5 m0nth ag0 -`
*vball t0urnament
*was cursin evergreen ppl...
*was sadd

1 m0nth ag0 -`
*still sad m0mmie back (=
*upsett ab0ut...

1 week ag0 -`
*l0st s0mething...)=
*sister birthday

5 days ag0 -`
*com kena sasser

yesterday -`
*exam..hist0ry...n0t enuff time...

t0day -`
*slacckk at h0me

t0m0rr0w -`
*w0rry ab0ut chemistry
*happy m0thers' day...(=

Saturday, May 8

did all these by myself...
s0 pr0ud..
btw..fl0wer is i draw de..
n0t bad..
t0o bad i n0t taking art..x=


Friday, May 7

her crayons

a swell of emotions..
in the blink of an eye..
the taste of a friendship..
once so dear..

distance and time..
turmoil and trials..
stood once again before her..
she turned to cry..

the constant throbbing headache..
the slaps of betrayal..
the silent substitution..
left her in her own world..

she picks up her crayons..
with the gentlest touch..
her fingers so rugged..
with every hardships that past..

pale with fear..
strickened with uncertainty..
she pauses a while..
and takes a breathe..

the fluid movements..
the flicks of strong strides..
the colours clashing..
right before all eyes..

a creation so new..
yet from so long ago..
she admires it once again..
a smiling curve forms..

away she walks from her creation..
which still stings at her heart..
to forget all history..
and erase the past..
apple strudels r0x...
witches sux..
dey are 0ld w0man wh0 are desperate t0 be perfect..

i hate pe0ple wh0 are perfect...
n0one is perfect...
flaw is a beauty..
perfect is ugly..

Thursday, May 6

i am s0 angry!
tw0 things that made me damnn angry...
sasser attacked my c0m..
made me n0t able t0 c0me 0nline...

F 0FF nahx~!*points lastt finger..*cw de signn..x=
xuee ling lingg de di yu....
mah de..
sick0 bus3rd...
h0pe her face get def0rmed 0r wadeva shit...
h0pe bec0me hell0 kitty face arhx..
act cute mahx... act de g0u...|=


i like herrrr*-r-c- character..
damn c0ol..
itx nice...
dun have t0 care ab0ut anything..
and i l0ve it!..
c0s it makes 0ther pe0ple angry..
she can let g0 0f what will harm her..
and harm the pers0n back 2 times m0re...

muackmuackmuackmuackmuack...i l0ve my bl0g..

..is0lated t0o..

Saturday, May 1

dammit...i dun have the m0od t0 study..

yesterday is gina birthday...
g0 marina dere celebrate..
g0t daddie...ah mah...ah gong...kuku...ku zhang...and pei xin...
den grr* s0 angry...
c0s i eat al0t!...
den c0me back..
hahax...heng 0nly gain 0.5kg..x=...
have a nice time dere n0rx....

m0mmie gave me 50 bucks..
call me buy gina prezzie...
budden i buy lerx..
c0st 10 plus der...
s0 i can keep the 50 bucks!...
budden my devilish sista..
she wan me t0 buy c0mic...
and i was dere...
s0 n0 ch0ice..
have t0 listen t0 tis evil princess...

+]..s0 scarie...never see bf0re..st0p itx!..[+