Saturday, November 20

relinkk mee..
change my bl0gg lia0x..

s0rry fer inc0nvience cause arh..

Friday, November 19

yesterday we g0t a match withh keban baru csc de vball..
very de li haii`..
s0 pr0..
and dey are s0 tall..
m0re experience den us..
their spiking is like BOOM!..
ours dunnn even have the p0wer like demm..
superstar 0ne n0t even as p0werful..
maybe 0nly 10% 0f their p0wer..
0f c0urse we l0se larhx..
i suspect s0me 0f dem t0 be nati0nal players..

s0me 0f dem r quite friendly larhs..
c0s dey help us gett the ball stuckk 0n the r0oft0p..

t0day match withh hua yi sux..
budd its betta den yesterday..
we never pr0duce our 100% de p0tential..
t0o badd..
itx just an experience marhh..
h0pe we can winn tis sunday de match ba..

kelly.yanping.victoria.desiree.ashley.and me wentt backk t0 sch0ol after the match..
wanted t0 practice..
c0s 0f 0ur l0usy perf0rmance..
den mr 0ng was like s0o ^@#(*)#&)..
dun lend us the vball n0r..
wann t0 slapp his facee arhx..

den we decide t0 g0 mac n0r..
budden vict0ria fren called her 0ver..
i did n0t n0tice larh..
s0 in the end all 0f us wentt t0 mac WITHOUT victoria..
s0rry s0rry s0rry`..
den we talkk al0rtt 0f crapp n0r..
itx interesting h0w kelly and yan ping n0e m0re inf0rmati0n den i d0..
i guess i have n0t been s0ciable enuff..
i kept 0n eating ice cream...
c0s my thr0at wasn't feelin well...
den c0me h0me i feel s0 sickk..

Tuesday, November 16

at last!
i manage t0 watch princess diary 2..
r0yal engagement..
c0s tml will be the last time GV g0nna sh0w it..
watchedd at j8 with waisze.serene.limain.p0tter.zephan..

the sh0w was nicee n0rx..
i w0nder h0w did limain alm0st sleep thr0ugh the m0vie..

Monday, November 15

played with cchs t0day..
and we w0n larhs`..
i think tis will be a b0oster f0r the rest 0f the c0mpetiti0n...

ap0l0gies t0 vict0ria...
c0s i pang seh-ed her..
i f0rg0tten that she is als0 meetin us..
t0 g0 t0 h0ugang t0gether..

Sunday, November 14

aunt susan called me out t0day..
i tot i was gonna rott at h0me larhx...
c0s she needed some1 t0 acc0mpany her while uncle g0 for s0me dinner..
farewell dinner f0r s0me frien..
i wentt t0 pan pacific h0tel..
den after that walkk t0 marina sh0pping centre n0r..
watch tis freakk sh0w thingy..
where tis w0man just squeeze her b0dy int0 a 16 inch b0x i think..

dens after the dinner dey fetch me ar0und 0rchard r0ad..
it is s0 beauutiful...
last year it was whitee..
tis year g0lden de lighting...

Saturday, November 13

i feel so much like an obasan or smth..
c0s today i keep bargaining for cheaper shoes and shorts..
ashley aline dawn and des and me g0 to queensway today to buy adidas shorts for the vas match..
dens in the end we could not find it..
dens aline needed to buy a sports shoe..
bud ended up with a sneakers..
it is pretty..
and noone has it yet..
budden i still prefer the pink one..
aline got the bluee..
she wanted to buy nike de sports shoes..
budden dun have size..

i think that indian auntie was so irritated at my bargaining that she was like lalaing when i tried to lower down the price..
i felt that it was very irritating..
it makes my blood boil..
wads wrong with bargaining..

after that we went to orchard and dawn went to meet her mother..
wentt to watch the forgotten and shopped at far east..

bf0re we g0 watched f0rgotten me and ashley went t0 the t0ilet
and aline and des bought kachang puteh..
den i was waiting for ashley at one of the pillars..
ashley was talking to aline and des..
she like suddenly shocked and look at smth in front of me..
den i look in front of me norx..
i was like petrified cos some1 just appeared in front of me..
my body like jumped up for that second..
den ashley hurriedly pull me away cos i was even more frightened than her..
anway the thing is a lady..
i think ang moh..
her complexion is white..
den she is wearing a veri old fashioned clothing..
i tot she was those kind of dummy or smth..
cos i only looked at her back view..
and she did not move..
i xia dao~
silly me..
i tot it was some ghost or smth...hahas

the forgotten is quite a nice show..
budden i still dun understand who sucked the people up to *heaven*...
not bad larhx..

Thursday, November 11

i am so jealous of waisze..
she get t0 go to watch sylvester at singapore idol..

anyway t0day i went 0ut with xinni..
we were like sh0pping f0r nice cl0thes f0r her birthday..
budd in the end we b0ught nth i think..
0 yarr..
i b0ught present f0r j0sephine and hui fen..
belated bday present..
necklance at watts`in...

after sh0ppin xinni wanted t0 cut hair..
budden she dun wann t0 spend s0 much m0ney..
and we als0 meet up with mei zhu..
den walked int0 tis sal0n with al0t of pe0ple..
we t0t that dey give g0ood service and nice hair cut..
budden the stupidd lady v de irritating.
shan't talk m0re..
it makes me grow more white hair..

yesterday vball g0t frendly match with cedar..
as expected..
we l0st larh..
anyway we tried our best..
and i think the cedar had set a curse on us or smth..
c0s we always l0se points at crucial moment..

Monday, November 8

t0day g0 watch sharktale..
with ws qy serene edward and gerald..
very cutee de sh0w..
saw sheryl des and weijin de gang dere..
dey als0 watch sharktale..
after the sh0w we g0 and take ne0x..
its quite- funny larhx..

during the weekends i went t0 msia..
stay 0ver at dad's h0use dere..
saturday went "sh0ppin" dere..
budden never buy much things..
c0s n0thing nice 0ver dere..

at nightt went t0 the pasar malam dere..
damnn scary n0rx..
every r0ad the pasar malam stretches t0 dere will be a beggar dere..
and dey hab br0ken legs 0r their hand ch0pped 0ff..
n0t very scary if dey hadn't just lie 0n the fl0or and l0ok pathetic..
s0mm0re msia r0ads n0t s0 clean like sg..x=
anyh0w lie..

i wentt 777 dere eat..
smth like hawker centre..
budden itx xtremely bigg..
n0 air c0n..
and the hygiene dere is like shit..x=
bud the f0od is nice..
i ate pasta..

dens sunday wentt sh0pping again..
did really sh0pped ar0und..
c0s i acc0mpanied grandm0ther..
and her leg c0nditi0n n0t s0 g0od..
she will be g0ing f0r 0perati0n next year march..
by right it is sheduled 0n january..
budd she refuse t0 have an 0perati0n 0n chinese new year..
s0 its p0stp0ne..
if she dun have the 0perati0n she may bec0me crippled 0r smth..

we went t0 tis 'cafe' i am n0t sure what dey called it 0ver dere..
0rdered a drink and rested 0n the chair..
after that the pers0n did n0t ask us t0 pay..
s0 we just walked 0ff..
i wanted t0 pay der...
budden aiya..
s0 in the end never pay n0rx..
i just run 0ff 0utside the sh0pping centre..
den g0t tis m0ther and tw0 children*guy*...
dey g0t st0pped by the security guard..
apparently the manager suspect that the lady st0le smth..
the manager was standing beside me at tt time..
the security guard and the lady was standing ab0ut 1m in fr0nt 0f us..
dey went back int0 the sh0pping centre when the security guard f0und smth..

i feel s0 guilty..
waited f0r my dad t0 fetch me..
c0s dere is n0 parking space..
s0 dey went h0me..
and fetch us later when we sh0pped finish..
late n0rx..
i was s0 freaked 0ut at tt time..
s0 afraid tt a security guard will rush 0ut and grabb me in..

tis year n0 christmas presents ler...~

Tuesday, November 2

wah laux...
feel such a failure...
t0day vball end at 8pm..
reach home about 9 lia0x..

anyway mr 0ng was n0t very satisfied with 0ur shitty perf0rmance t0day..
everything seems t0 be g0ing wr0ng..
maybe itx 0ur team de mentality(spelling)..

june said that mr 0ng invited ngee ann sec f0r a friendly match..
the C0ach said that playing wib us is wasting their time..
i think we have n0 face t0 face mr 0ng lia0x..

Thursday, October 28

all th0se wh0 did n0t attend the swimmin carnival have t0 assemble at the hall this m0rning..
i think itx all crap...
ab0ut 1/2 0f the sec1-3 all never g0..
i dun see the meaning 0f having to 0rganise such stupid event that n0one wants t0 participate in..

i t0ld p0tat0 that i get the letter fr0m my sis c0s f0rm tcher was n0t in sch0ol..
den he say h0w can i pr0ve my sis is my sis..
wad n0nsense..
y0u have t0 g0 d0 DNA test mehx!?..
i was s0 pissed 0ff by his g0d damn stupid c0mments..
and he is supp0sed t0 be a h0d?..
a puppet h0d..
i am s0 fed up by his l0w IQ...
h0w did he even bc0me a h0d..

swimmin carnival 0rganised f0r students t0 ENJOY..
and we are n0t even interested..
such a failure..

g0t training t0day..
and i fell d0wn while trying t0 save the ball..
itx like *piak liddat 0n the fl0or..
n0t very graceful..
and i c0ntinue playing..
dens after my legg feel weird..
i l0ok d0wn and saw bl0od drippin d0wn my leg..
ab0ut 5-10cm cut..
budden n0t t0o deep..
michelle sub me after tt..

i went h0me straight after with j0sephine jiale kelly and yanping..
luckily m0m have n0t g0 t0 the airp0rt yet..
btw her flight is at 10pm liddat..
and shez a bit *kiasu*..
my dad was supp0sedly t0 fetch my m0m..
budden he was late..
c0s he went t0 d0 s0me administrative thing wibb my sister..
my m0m went al0ne t0 the airp0rt in taxi..
dere was s0me arguments and misunderstanding n0rx..

b0ut 5 mins later,
my dad reached h0me and i sat in his car..
speed 0ff to changi at 100km/h..
saw my m0m and meet her fren..
dey g0 japan sh0ppin bf0re m0mmie g0 backk t0 USA t0 w0rk..

Wednesday, October 27

t0day is the last day 0f p0st exams..
quite b0ring..
help pe0ple t0 paint the table and chair..
and the pr0duct is quite nice..

als0 g0t talent time..
mustafa g0t g0 j0in..
he g0t first..
he sings quite g0od..
its a pity he can't j0in singap0re id0l..

wentt t0 malaysia fr0m saturday dens c0me back yesterday night..
s0 tiredd..

visit all my relatives..
and went t0 bukit merah 0n sunday..
it is supp0se t0 be a t0urist attracti0n..
dere is a water park dere..
budden n0t much things t0 play..
and itx h0t h0t h0t..
i g0t sunburn..
the skin 0n my n0se is peeling 0ff..
i g0t stung by a stupidd bee..
g0t blue black

saw all my c0usins..
s0me is never see bf0re de..
all baby lai de..

tis sat is hall0ween..
i wann t0 celebrate!!!
s0 shit..
my aunt is getting married 0n the same day..

oh wish desiree a happie birthday!..(=

Wednesday, October 20

i have t0 g0 sch0ol tml..
its s0 stupid..
we are n0t supp0se t0 g0 t0 sch0ol..
c0s it is supp0sed t0 be pr0m0ti0n day..
maybe mr 0ng is n0t 0ne 0f th0se imp0rtant pe0ple..

we did n0t even pr0ceed t0 the netball semi t0day..
c0s we dun have en0ugh pe0ple..
luckily j0yce was kind en0ugh t0 help..
the rest 0f the class girls are all busy with their 0wn c0mmitments..
i guess..
i mean it is quite pathetic..
17 girls and it is s0 difficult t0 even f0rm a team..
there is n0 class spirit..
and s0mm0re pe0ple in class said that 3/2 lacked class spirit..
0nly n0e h0w t0 say..
there is n0 c0ntribution..
h0w t0 have class spirit..

j0yce had injured her leg..
p0or thing..
she was kn0cked d0wn by s0me sec4 girl..
luckily g0t limain replace..
if n0t she w0uld have t0 c0ntinue playing..
and shi han g0t blister..

we still l0st..
at least if like the class girls wh0 can c0ntribute c0ntributes we at least wun l0se s0 badly..
i think..

the class sux..
c0s the pe0ple always sab0 pe0ple de..
swimmin carnival..
tis fat ass sum0 wrestler..
g0 sab0 pe0ple..
die als0 dun g0..
i g0 malaysia visit grandpa..

0 yar..
mdm t0ng is realli quite nice..
alth0ugh she can be realli strict and fierce at times..
budden she n0es her limit..
c0s t0day gerald was n0t feelin well..
dens she pers0nally called t0 his m0m t0 fetch him..
h0w kind...
hanif even v0lunteered t0 buy f0od f0r gerald wh0 did n0t eat breakfast..
she als0 helped me t0 pass my SA2 chemistry..
h0wever i still failed the 0verall semester 2..

t0day is the 3rd time i saw that sh0e..
its nice..

Friday, October 15

t0day went t0 nanyang jc de 0pen h0use..
the sch0ol is bigg.
and nice..
saw a seni0r 0ver dere..
and dere is the drum club 0r smth..
veri nice..
like 0ur sch0ol liddat..
budden inside is m0stly girls..
6 girls 3 b0ys liddat..
s0 c0ol..

i didn't dare t0 g0 h0me..
c0s i was afraid t0 get sc0lded f0r my results..
after the 0pen h0use we went t0 j8..
take ne0s..
den put sylvester r0x!...x=..

c0me h0me talked with my dad..
and m0m was disappointed...
i feel guilty...
btw m0m came back 0n wednesday..
and she b0ught a nike sh0x 200 bucks and adidas 100 bucks..
and cl0thes and m0re cl0thes..
she w0rked s0 hard t0 buy th0se things f0r me..
budden i did n0t w0rk hard..

my results was damnn disapp0inting..
failed 4 subjects 0ut 0f 8!..
wun say m0re lia0x..
h0pefully can promote to sec 4E~..

i caught a picture 0f wai sze d0in leg excercise during at serene h0use 0n serene's birthday..

c0ol rite..x=

Wednesday, October 13

m0nday was the last exam we had..
free lia0 lerx..
f0r the time being lahx..
went t0 cutt hair at de elements fudge or wadeva..
at t0a pay0h..
wibb wai sze...

dens the next day...
0r yesterday..
was serene's birthday..
we meet early at 11 am at amk mrt..
waisze me and limain..
meet a few ppl..
dens after tt went t0 bradell meet wib qingyu..

after that we went t0 orchard t0 sh0p ar0und f0r serene's present..
we bought necklace in a bottle...

so cute rite..
btw...the pendant says *d0n't w0rry be happy*

we went t0 h0ugang t0 buy cake after tt..
was realli sh0cked tt waisze said tt serene was in h0ugang dere t0o..
luckily we persuade her t0 g0 h0me..

budden her xtra br0ther g0 sp0il the surprise...
we wanted t0 scare her when she 0pens the d0or..
budden her br0ther t0ld her t0 l0ok thr0ugh the wind0w 0r smth..

o well~
here's her cake..

it was realli funn...
gtg n0w..
g0nna buy a new tv..

Saturday, October 9


s0 l0ng never update c0s need t0 study..x=

ok 1 oct..
daddie's birthday and gerald birthday..
after sch0ol wentt home..
den jeffery and aar0n came..
daddie wentt t0 the checkp0int dere and fetch dem,...
dey br0ught cake..
budd it was destroyed..
dens after dad went 0ut..
sh0 wentt t0 j8 buy sh0es and shirt f0r him..
luckily can fit..
als0 buy MANG0 icecream cake...
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dens after tt we go play wibb the destroyed cake..
budd we still eat the cakee
quite nice..x=
c0s it is a sin to waste f0od..
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after tt dad come h0me..
all 0f us wentt t0 jacks place eatt..
g0t ab0ut 14 0f us..
4 child-aaron taiheng qisheng peixin
4 teens-me sis qiyang jeff
6 adults-dad grandpa and ma aunt uncle mymaid
the waitress or wadeva was shocked..
enjoyed myself..
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aaron vomited halfway...x=

3 oct
wentt 0ut t0 celebrate mei zhu birthday..
g0t ab0ut 11 0f us i thinkk..
watched the jacky chan sh0w..
veri nicee..

eileen g0 bluff us tt the ticket l0st..
11 x $8.50 = 93.50
she was keeping it larhx..
every0ne was s0 panic..
s0 funny..x=

8 0ct yesterday...
left 0ne m0re math paper 1 t0 g0..

i in h0liday m0od lerx..

after the exam at first wanted t0 watch m0vie budden after tt cancelled..
s0 wentt t0 j8 f0r lunch and t0 walk walk..

den we wentt t0 take ne0s..
dunn0 nanyang girls g0 dia0x limain arhx..
n0t sure..
budden after tt we wanted t0 play wibb the nail machine..
g0 dere g0t tis sec0ndary guy f0rcing his fren t0 play...
budden i think the machine cann0t w0rk i think..

after tt wentt walking around..
den g0 int0 mph..
saw the vood0o d0lls..
dunn0 can realli curse ppl an0t..
in the end we b0ught tar0t cards..

wentt t0 my h0use t0 expl0re the cards..
wai sze was freaked 0ut by my d0g..
at first we cann0t find the ne0s we t0ok..
s0 g0 use t0 card t0 find 0ut where is it...
0nly me and wai sze n0e..
s0 after we use the card serene suggested tt the pers0n maybe qingyu..
den its realli true..
s0 accurate..

should have bought the voodoo dolls

Thursday, September 23

wahha siannx..

btw we won the first prize for math project..
got kitkat and lollipop..
did not eat the kitkat..
c0s edward destory it..

anyway i realli hate people who dun admit his/her mistakes de n0rx..
keep on coming up with unrelavant or even STUPID reasons to cover up..
making he/her look even more silly..

i hate people accusing people of things dey did n0t do de..
den come up wib stupid reasons why he/she accuse ppl..


btw today i laughhed al0t...
wentt t0 long johns den to library wibb qingyu waisze serene and limain..
eat lunch lia0x..
pr0ceed to the library den limain f0rgot to bring her bag al0ng lehx..
veri de blurr...

Wednesday, September 22

last day of punishment..
actually quite funn to be punished..
i am gonna miss it...x=

t0day g0t 13 3/2 ppl outside the general office..
funnn ritee..
more than 1/3 of the class being sent out..

was feelin guilty when we sort of pulled mdm t0ng d0wn t0 why the reas0n we sneak f0od..
we were xplaining t0 mr siva..
he l0oked s0 fierce at first n0rx..
budden after tt he xplained to us ab0ut h0w he felt..
students sh0uld n0t be ill-treat and wads0eva..
mr siva can be quite nice...
mdm tong als0..
my impression 0f her at first was n0t very g0od..
until she crack s0me j0kes during chemistry class..
and t0ld us a bit h0w she gets her president award..
quite pei fu her..
i take backk all th0se badd c0mments ab0ut her..

i realli cann0t stand pe0ple in my class..
tis guy..
is like he "qian" sc0lding fr0m tcher 0r smth..
he is 0ne 0f the guys wh0 kena punish f0r the fire incident..
he felt unjustice tt the punishment was to0 severe..
kenna scolding by dm n0rx..

anyway tis same guy did n0t actually did clean the class t0day during pe..
its like the class c0mmittee members are d0ing it..
the girls are taking turns..
s0me 0f the guys als0 cleaning..
budden tis pers0n..
wh0 c0ntribute mainly t0 the markings 0n the wall did n0t d0 anything..

quarelled with tis pers0n..
and what he says is s0 c0ntradicting...

me *wah lau eh...u the one who make most of the markings in the wall de...still dun wan to clean*
he (dun even feel pai seh or wadeva sitting dere relaxing while others work their butts out) * i g0t clean h0rx..its y0u all de fault tt u all never report to tcher tt i kick the ball wad*
me *aye..we did n0t tell the tchers bc0s later u say us again n0rx..s0mm0re hit the ball at waisze lehx*

i ferg0t lah..
bud its smth liddat..

never REPORT to tcher lehx..
is we dun wann n0rx..
end up like mustafa mehx..
mustafa REPORT to tcher and den dey wanted to do smth to him or wadd lia0x..

like wad mr ong say..
* do some research bfore you come and argue*


Tuesday, September 21

tis sux..
sec0nd day of punishment..
den ish like some class guys were dere laughhing at us..
as if dey never sneak f0od bf0re..
liddat isn't dey are laughing at demselfs?

dens after recess mr ong came up to class..
lecture the class..
we did n0t sit d0wn when mr 0ng asked the pers0n wh0 was n0t inv0lved t0 sit d0wn...

anyway after sch0ol dey went t0 l0ok f0r the tchers..
dey g0t canning and stand 0utside general 0ffice during recess..
tml still g0t one m0re day 0f our punishment..
i think the wh0le general 0ffice taken up by us 3/2 lerx..

we wentt t0 harvest the veggies t0day..
and i swear next time i NEVER bc0me a farmer..
s0 sick..
limain waisze and i all screamed s0 many times...
when we were washing the veggies..
dere is like 3 to 4 worms..
actually is only serene who is like washing..
n0 w0nder g0t w0rms..
c0s s0meb0dy g0 add xtra thing in 0ur veggies..

Sunday, September 19

saturday i was out for like 14 hours...

m0rning g0 t0 sch0ol f0r math pr0ject w0rk until 12plus liddat...
den wentt t0 qingyu h0use f0r english pr0ject..
only me and qingyu d0ing the presentati0n..
the rest have 0ther c0mmitments..x.x

den after tt wentt t0 east c0ast dere eat..x=
at first g0 marina bay de..
budden felicia wanted t0 g0 t0 beach..
s0 g0 dere n0rx..
s0 funn..
the f0od was als0 deeelici0uss...
in the end g0 h0me ar0und 12 plus..

Friday, September 17

t0day is suchh an unlucky day...
g0t sc0lded f0r mr 0ng f0r calling gerald t0 buy f0od..
landd him into tr0uble..
feel sh0 guilty lia0x..
den s0me 0f the class guys still continue t0 thr0w sarcasm at us...
s0 unsensitive..

anyway...mrs ng (chem tcher) still have n0t return fr0m her illness 0r smth..
maybe she is t0o pek chek wibb our class lia0x..
sh0 mdm t0ng c0me and teach us..
bf0re chem peri0d was chinese..
sh0 the higher chinese ppl came t0 chem class late..
every0ne 0f dem have t0 say *g0od morning mdm t0ng.pls may i enter the classr0om.thankiew*..
if never say will stay 0utside class..
she say we lackk 0f respect...
budden during recess jia hui g0 ask her questi0ns 0r smth..
den when jia hui walk away, i heard her sh0uting *oei* at jia hui...
as if jia hui is called 0ei..


Wednesday, September 15

t0day veri funn..
after sch0ol at first wan to go hougang primary to interview the pupils and tchers dere..
budden ms ng say wad veri mah fan...
later get into trouble..
so in the end never go..

ended up going suntec city..
c0s i t0t tt singapore visit0r centre dere...
in the end the svc is at orchard..
so outdated norx..
suntec de signs also never change..

so go get a few brochures only..

tot tt esplanade got brochures..
sho go dere...
den g0t chij ppl ba...
n0t sure an0t..
like the wh0le level 0f students dere..
like f0r maths trail...

den we walk ar0und n0rx..
veri funn..

at first wann to sit the b0at t0 the merli0n..
budden t0o ex..
waste m0ney..
s0 we wentt backk t0 mrt...
kena caught by tis fitness thingy guy..
think he wann t0 advertise the b0xercise thingy..
den tis c0mputer guy fr0m 0ur sch0ol go tell him tt we are his students...
den he st0p pestering us..

after tt g0 ig heaven..
damnn nice...
den b0ught tis hi5l0w5 stirrer..
sh0o cutee...

Tuesday, September 14

term 4 sho busy..
yesterday stayed backk in sch..
study chemistry..
at last i understand the mole chapter..
thanks to mr soh..
2 hours of coaching us..

den t0day g0 d0 ge0g pr0ject..
den the l0g b0ok nice lehx..

als0 meet wibb twins and wen wei..
den just now come my house..
tts all ba..

Friday, September 10

t0day stayed at h0me..
cann0t always g0 0ut marhx..
i t0t t0day can d0 hw 0r smth..
budden arghhh..
i did n0thing~!..
c0s my dad replaced the airc0n..
n0 airc0n = n0 m0od f0r hw 0r anything~
juz slackk t0day...

yesterday i wentt 0ut wibb sarah and felicia..
watched cinderalla st0ry at last..
it was nicee..

saw waisze and stephanie at heeren ne0print sh0p..
l0lx..wai sze wibb her new haircut..

andd i did hair extensi0n..
i thinkk its c0pper bl0nd 0r smth..
my dad haven n0tice it yet..

sch0ol is re0pening s0on..
exams are c0miing..

Wednesday, September 8

i was late again..
budden its g0d's will..
c0s training cancelled t0day..
c0s we are n0t all0wed t0 g0 sch0ol..
stupidd tchers..
never inf0rm us earlier..

and sh0 suay.
cannn0t ask mrs0h
t0 teach us chemistry...x=

sh0 later den g0 library study n0rx..

i'm s0 tired..`

Monday, September 6

sh0 l0ng never update lerx..
saturday wentt 0ut wib xinni and ying and zhi feng and shirly 0r smth..
dun remember her name lia0x..
c0s dey flagg day..
s0 pei dem..
in the end i g0 sh0pping..
dey all g0 wibb me..
in the end zhi feng and shiryl a bitt buay s0ng..
sh0 we wentt sh0pping..
sarah b0ughtt a c0nverse pinnkk sh0e..

dens after tt g0 ask f0r d0nati0ns..
meet up wibb melissa fr0m mcs..
0mg~!...sh00 prettie...
den is like sarah and felicia..
dunn0 h0w t0 ask f0r d0nati0ns..
s0 i g0 d0 example..
sh00o funny..x=...

after tt g0t the m0ney wennt t0 t0a pay0h return backk the tin cans..
den after wennt t0 amk central.
buy the ph0t0 b0ok..
den wentt t0 library d0..
sh0o0o much funn..*___*
after tt went h0me lia0x..

den sunday slackk..

m0nday aka t0day..
wentt t0 sch0ol..
and i was late..
s0rry arhx..
c0s meeting wibb waisze serene limain qingyu f0r gardening..
0ur plants gr0wing quite g0od..
smth wr0ng wibb the sentence..x.x..

after tt wentt t0 library..
dere de swingg..
and play..
and meet stephanus..

den g0 library n0rx..
meet siva..
and ask her t0 d0 the english interview thingy..

after tt wentt t0 wai sze h0use..
veri nicee n0r...
d0 the candle thingy..
wass funn..
8 plus reach h0me..x=...

Wednesday, September 1

wentt 0ut t0day wibb xinni and ying and zhifeng..
watched 13 g0ing t0 30!..
the m0vie is nicee..
den after tt sh0pped a bitt..
tts all ba...

n p0p d0h doughnut r0x!..x=

Tuesday, August 31

happy tchers day..
as usual the tea party t0day..
quitee sian tis year..
the tchers fashi0n sh0w is quite nice..
s0me tcher veri enthu als0..
ms spain veri nice lehx..
budden s0me tchers just wear tshirt and jeans liddat..
casual wear..
den h0ld the flag..
siann n0rx...
l0ok like t0ur gr0up liddat..

after tchers day..
wentt t0 serene h0me..
watch windstruck..
nice nice nice..x=..
didn't cry tis time..
maybe dun habb the atm0sphere 0r smth..
serene m0ther sh0 c0ol..
0 yar..
als0 prank call s0me ppl..
veriii funny..

denss after g0 xinni h0use..
g0 take things..
budden in the end ferg0t take h0me..
itx sarah and felicia's m0mmie's birthday..
sh0 got cake..
tea party tis aftern0on got cake..
budden n0 m0od eatt..
her m0ther's fruit cake i g0t eat..
c0s it l0ok much m0re delici0us..x=..
talkk al0t 0f crapp..

als0 g0 play bball and badmint0n..
meet s0me *attitude ppl*..
s0 xinying play veri the r0ugh..
g0 stabb the pers0n 0r smth wibb her elb0w..
make the pers0n buay s0ng..
i dunn0 wadd happen larhx...
c0s i playing serving 0f badmint0n..
c0s me and sarah cann0t play any rally..
my skills sux..x=..

den after 11 plus g0 h0me..
luckily g0t j0seph and wenwei pei larhx..
7m0nth lehx..
i dun dare walk al0ne under hdb flats...x=...
den at bus st0p see anabel quek i think..
den i think i keep 0n staring at her 0r smth..
c0s i n0t sure whether it is her..
dun dare walk t0wards her and ask her..
s0 she whispered t0 her fren ab0ut me..
sh0 b0th 0f dem l0ok at me in a weird manner..

Monday, August 30

sh0 shuang..
t0day n0 training..
c0s last thursday g0 and trick mr 0ng t0day is tcher day celebrati0n..x=

s0 wentt t0 far east change the NW0 de cl0thes..
den saw the pinnk pig..x=..
sh0 shuayy...
is like wai sze tt time buy n0 pink..
t0day g0 and change limain and serene de den see until..
b0ught tis cheerleader skirt..
quite nice lahx..
budden i wear 0nly pigg feet..l0lx..
me-fr0g waisze-pig qingyu-cat limain-hipp0 serene-m0use..
all baby blue xcept me nahx..
c0s i didn't n0e dey g0ing t0 change t0 blue...x.x...

0 yarr..
t0day g0t farming..
s0me ge0g pr0ject..
quite funn larhx..x=...
is like the seedlings transplanted t0 0ur pl0t l0ok sh0 nice..
den s0meb0dy c0me and water the seedling..
den is like giam chai liddat...

Tuesday, August 24

ms ng sk suxx..
only never put dictionary dens need to write sentences..
english get bel0w 15/20 muz als0 write sentence..
h0pe she gets a sh0ck when she meet the gh0st at nightt 0r smth..
s0 tt we wun get english less0ns..
tts why she n0 husband nahx..q=

mrs ng is n0t here till next week thurs..
we habb subsitute tchers teaching us..
at last..
i can understand chem less0ns..(=..

i g0t my ic..
damnn ugly..
c0s i think dey edited my pic..
my neckk sh0 l0ng..
lyke l0ng neck gh0st 0r smth..


Wednesday, August 18

i br0ke 2 testtube..
kena bec0me blamed f0r kicking ppl butt..
mr 0ng g0 thr0w sh0e at me..
budden it was an0ther bastard's wh0 is the 0ne wh0 is at fault..
sure will have retributi0n de..
kena sc0lded by ms ng..
tt eng tcher..
c0s i 0wn up tt i never use sch0ol fullscap..
lame n0rx..
at least i g0t the guts t0 0wn up..
still say she humiliating me..
g0t s0 mani ppl n0t using fullscap s0mm0re n0r..
stupidd 0ld auntie...

r0nald susil0 0r wadeva l0stt nehx...
s0 jia lat...
singap0re realli n0 h0pe in sp0rts de..x.x

nth muchh..
friday g0t netball..
s0 jia lat..
n0t enuff ppl t0 play s0mm0re..
c0s s0me ppl dun wann t0 play..
s0 called united h0rx..
damnn shitt..

Sunday, August 15

the pers0n wh0 picked up my wallet..
used all the ezlink card m0ney..
n0t even left a cent..
g0nna get retributi0n..
my 50 buckks..
my ne0prints..

yesterday wennt 0ut wibb xinni ying and wen wei...
budd never buy anything..

Friday, August 13


class was alright t0day..
i laughhed al0t..

i f0rg0t my wallet t0day..
den habb t0 call peter and stephanie t0 call dem t0 thr0w d0wn fr0m the 4th level t0 the first..
waisze alm0st catched it..

watched twins effect 2 t0day..
wibb wai sze limain and qingyu..
itx was nice..
n0t as badd as what the newspaper rated..
bud it has n0thing t0 d0 wibb the first m0vie..
kinda nice and funny...
g0t shuaii ge..x=

after the m0vie we walkked ar0und..
den meet wibb serene..
den g0 h0me lerx...


Thursday, August 12

gh0st festival c0ming lia0x..
was s0 freaked 0ut during training t0day..
c0s we were chatting ab0ut gh0st..
after that i went h0me..
i 0pened my d0or..
den the t0ilet next t0 the stairway..
the light flickered n0rx..
scare me..x.x

Tuesday, August 10

juz c0me backk tis m0rning fr0m malaysia..
n0 m0od lia0x..
maybe bec0s play t0o muchh n0w n0 m0re spirit..x=..

saturday wake up early den g0 t0 j0h0r dere..
t0 dad's h0use..
den g0t traffic jamm like dunn0 wadd..
reach dere den change t0 an0ther car g0 genting..
dad say msia registrated car m0re safe..
den g0 p0rt dicks0n first..
g0 see tis 10 yr res0rt tt alex uncle b0ught..
he s0 richh..
buy already f0r 10 years..
never even use it..
s0mm0re 0n m0nth need t0 pay rm400 f0r maintaince fee..
t0o muchh m0ney...x.x..
anyway..the res0rt is ugly..
veri run d0wn..

after tt g0 genting n0rx..
den buy ind0or tickets and play ind0or games..
quite siann c0s n0thing much..x=..
den att nightt g0 t0 casin0..
g0t age limit de lahx..
21 and ab0ve..
s0 stupidd..
last time 0nly 18 and ab0ve n0rx...
den i s0mm0re g0t putt makeup and wear access0ries..
den s0 matured n0rx..
budden the security guard still catch me..
s0mm0re g0 try at 2 different casin0...

s0 in the end return t0 h0tel r0om..
take care 0f michelle and aar0n..
veri scary..
c0s michelle wake up suddenly den cann0t find her m0mmie..
her m0mmie in the casin0..
den she cry like dunn0 wadd..

den sec0nd day..
b0ught the 0utd0or tickets..
den in the end 0nly play the c0ster and the swingy thingy..
tw0 games 0nly..x=..waste the m0ney..

den 0n m0nday g0 back le n0r...
sh0pping at KL..
n0thing much t0 buy de..
c0s n0t enuff time t0 sh0p..
den t0day den c0me back..
c0s stay 0ver at skudai dere..

den tis m0rning c0me backk..
the sun was c0min up..
damnn nice..
0range 0range de..
like duckk egg..
the rays veri gentle de...
t0o bad never take ph0tos..

Friday, August 6

t0day is nati0nal day..
and philip k0rx de birthday..

den g0 0ut wibb sarah and felicia..
wibb mei zhu huiying eileen and nikki..
meet at j8 n0rx..
den after tt wentt t0 angm0ki0...
b0ught a cheap0 bag..x=...

after tt went t0 sch0ol..
den see ppl dressed up in ethnic c0stume..
damnn nice n0rx..
den the ndp veri de lame..
g0 f0r 0nly 1hr 30 mins..
see nati0nal day parade..
den g0 0ff...

den after me and wai sze g0 take g0odie bag..
damnn funny..
hanif was 0n duty..
den wai sze was lyke keep 0pening her bag t0 hanif t0 stuff in the g0odie bags..
i think g0t 20 plus packets n0rx..
laughh until st0mach pain..

Thursday, August 5

t0day was 0kay lahx..
veri de sleepy..
recess time damnn funn...
c0s we played the bubble thing..
den fill it wibb water..
den dirty the wh0le t0ilet..
i think the cleaner veri angry lia0x..x=..

den after tt was vball ba..
veri the siann..
c0s n0 f0rmati0n..
sian arhhhhx...

Wednesday, August 4

made my ez link..
stewpidd picture..
i hate the pers0n wh0 to0k my wallet..
shit the pers0n..

b0ught indian c0stume...
sux t0o..
i wanted a skirt..
in the end b0ught a pants..
sh0 ugly s0mm0re..
c0st 40 buckks n0rx..
next time i sure bargain m0re..

dens g0t ST NICKS ppl..
den talk als0 talk s0 l0ud..
keep saying me and sis is frm amkss..
s0 wadd..
neva see amkss ppl mehx..
s0 excited liddat..
den dey were like discussing wad level we are fr0m..
sec1* sec1*..
d0esn't mean tt my skirt is 0nly 0ne line means i am frm sec1..
ST NIC are brainless..
0r dey dun n0t have c0mm0n sense..x.x...
den keep 0n l0oking 0ver n0rx...
wads wr0ng wibb being amksian..
keep 0n talking...
unless dey interested in me lah...x=...

Sunday, August 1

n0thing t0 d0..
cann0t g0 0ut c0s n0 m0ney..
c0s i putt all my m0ney in the bankk..
and i can't use my p0sb cardd yet..
c0s it is n0t activated yet..)=..

actually wann t0 g0 watch ndp preview de..
budden in the end never..
c0s n0 m0od..
den pei daddy wibb ya2 gina and aar0n..
g0 tis 5 st0rey apartment..
dunn0 wad tts call..
damnn nice..
den all bu ren shi de..
s0 als0 veri siann..

sista n0w at malaysia sh0pping f0r ethnic c0stume..
nextweek have t0 wear..
c0mpulsary s0mm0re...

Thursday, July 29

i hate mdm t0ng..
sux lahx..
dun even n0e h0w the hell she gets the president award..x=..
mrs veda deserve it m0re than her..
accuse ppl f0r stealing lime water..
and lime water can use t0 suicide de lehx..
diah0rrea until die izzit?..
s0mm0re g0 accuse me 0f stealing glass r0d..
y0u think i b0 lia0 issit..

kena sc0lded yesterday n0rx..
by mdm t0ng..
den mr ling als0..
f0r n0t d0ing p.e...
slackking dere..x=...
den have t0 run 600 m and 20 push up and 20 sit up..
dunn0 wh0 needs m0re physical training..
me 0r y0u...q=

den after ms ng s.k.
check unif0rm lehx..
wah lau..
she lyke s0 buay s0ng wibb my unif0rm..
i g0t TUCK IN OK!

den after tt g0t ipw..
dunn0 h0w c0me like s0 nerv0us n0rx..
t0t we can get ridd 0f the ipw lia0x..

t0day class peeps all saying their lime water missing..
as in their lime juice liddat..
damnn funny..

ya n0rx..
itx wr0ng f0r dem t0 accuse us..
can sue de leh!!!!!!.....grrr*...

if i rich enuff lahx..

veri tired lia0x..
c0s g0t training...
s0 shit!..x.x...

i think i missed 0ut s0mething...

Monday, July 26

hate english..
hate it tiz year..
tcher sux..
la0 tai p0..x=

i made i.c.
kekex..buddden the pic iz a h0rr0r..
veri ch0u..)=..
dun caree lia0x..
ermmx..i never read pr0perly..
need t0 take the 0riginal c0py 0f bc..
den i g0 ph0t0 c0py..
den veri mah fan..
have t0 g0 h0me and take..x=


nth much ba...
sian sian sian...

0..chem test t0day..
i turn backk face gary..
den i turn back mrs ng was like glance 0ver at me..
den i give a guilty face 0r smth..
den she try try act fierce and *dia0 me liddat..
damnn funny..
den i g0 stare back..
den after tt she ann0unce t0 the wh0le class wad dun c0py 0r wadd..
sickk lah..
i g0nna fail chem..
first time lehx..)=..

die n0 fullscap..
cann0t d0 eng hw..
english SUX!..

Sunday, July 25

l0st my wallet..
ab0ut 173 d0llars de l0st..
iz like haishhx..
l0st my wallet den ppl still like abit buay s0ng me..
n0t my fault wadd..
thankz t0 xinni and xinying..
xinni especially f0r being s0 c0nsiderate..
a few days ag0 i still menti0ned t0 my dad tt i SELD0M l0se things n0t like him..x=
-al0t 0f suay things-

0n the sunny side..
a new wallet?...
a new p0sb BLUE card..
a new nice picture 0n the ez link card..
budd all cann0t replace the ne0prints..)=

i called t0 the cust service f0r the p0sb card..
the operat0r iz s0 friendly..
and wished me happy birthday nehx..

yesterday g0 and watch ella ehchanted..
0k lah..quite nice..
mean girls still nicer..
wentt wibb tqy and cth and gina..
take ne0s..
budden was all missing t0day...
tqy and cth first time take de..
den after m0vie tqy g0 tution..
den we all g0 t0 cth h0use dere..
den g0 mac eatt 3 evm + 9 nuggets..

Thursday, July 22

i ferg0tt wadd t0 write le..

yesterday i thinkk..
c0s remember i said my 0ven wad sp0ilt?..
can be used lerx..
den after tt i use g0t electricity sparks...
xia si w0...0.o..
den after tt maidd f0und a knife inside the 0ven..
itx like h0w the stewpiiddd knife appear inside..
funny h0rx..*

t0day g0t assembly peri0d..
itx like g0t tiz science singing c0mpetiti0n..
3 teams fr0m 3/1..3/2 g0t 0ne..3/3 g0t 0ne and 3/5 g0t 0ne..
six teams..
0ur class win n0rx..
itx wass damnn nice...
s0 enthu..
still g0t dance.. was mustafa..shahira...siva..and shamila wh0 sing the s0ng..
edited versi0n 0f all the things she tatu..


training wad 0kay..
except i keep 0n kena hit by ball..
a veri happy belated birthday prezzie i guess..
suay day..
g0t tiz pers0n tell me s0me1 say i dia0 dem..
sia0 kia..
i n0t ahh lian n0rx..
dia0 wad dia0..
see 0nly wadd..
if i dun like u..
i will n0t even l0ok at y0u l0rx..
still dia0 f0r wadd...x.x.. after tt..
wentt h0me..
wibb a biggg prezzie..
veri biggg and bulky..
fr0m al0t 0f ppl lehx..
budden if n0t wr0ng g0t
n0t sure lerx..
veri nicee t0 t0uchh n0rx...(=...

yesterday my birthday..
den annette qingyu limain waisze and serene gibb me prezent durin recess..
damnn funny..l0lx..
c0s dey keep 0n calling me t0 0pen my bagg...
s0 tt i can be sh0ck t0 see a wrapped present inside..x=..
itx a cd rack and 0ne angel thingy

dawn and weiming gavee me tiz f0reva frens bear...
veri cuteee nehx...
j0sephine and bentink gibb me ph0t0 frame...
0ne unkn0wn pers0n gave a bell?..
ermmx..still g0t chee an gavee me a bracelet..
and my sista gibb me a y shaped preci0us m0ments figurine..
l0ve all 0f dem n0rx..
my sista pressie the m0zt..x=

0 yar..
last sunday i g0t celebrati0n..
was a veri unhappy day..
c0s g0t misunderstanding wibb sarah..
den in the end she PS me lehx..
s0 fel and she nver c0me...
i veri upset..
den iz like g0t tiz silent war f0r a few days..
buddden yesterday...(=...hehex..
ha0 le n0rx..
l0ok backk a bit silly ba...

tt sunday i als0 break d0wn le..
dunn0 suddenly at nightt cann0t sleep..
iz actually 0n the way t0 sleeping..
den sista hp keep ringing lyke hell n0rx..
i alm0st killed her wibb a pill0w..0.o
den keep 0n scream and scream..
like a crazy w0man..
i need t0 g0 imh..x=..
den cry le..
findd daddy n0rx..
den i cry n0n st0p..
luckily g0t daddy t0 c0ns0le me...
he say i t0o stress ler..x=..

Wednesday, July 21

all the pe0ple wh0 remembered..(=..
beri de happy t0day..
i laughhed al0t..
0k..i remembered t0 bring backk my present..
n0t st0len 0r anything..
n0t lyke last year..x=..

yesterday g0t ge0g less0n..
hab t0 ask questi0ns t0 the gr0up presenting..
den shi han g0 represent a herb "c0mpany"..
s0 funny..
supp0se t0 be a manufacturing..
den she say everyday her parents g0 climb m0untain t0 pluck herbs..
s0 funny..x=..

Tuesday, July 20

i ferg0t wadd t0 write..)=

Saturday, July 17

HAPpie birThday t0 ChaRl0TtE w0nG!~!
at first dun wann t0 g0 sch0ol de..
g0 see d0ct0r..
s0 sickk l0rx..x=..
g0t g0..
c0s can see the australia bandd..x=..
dey sh0x c0ol..
and cann play veri well...(=..
dens the guys all veri shuaiix..x=..
gals are s0 prettiex...
dens after tt g0t training..
stewpidd attitude ppl..
dun care..
juz a bunch 0f sick0s..
dens yesterday..friday
wentt t0 st0re l0rx..
waitt f0r sarah t0 kn0ck 0ff fr0m w0rk..
at first wann t0 watch mean girls..
budden her m0mmie dun all0w..
n i t0t she can watch l0rx..
budden she haben even ask her m0mmie..x.x
g0t em0ti0nal lahx..
after tt wentt t0 amk central..
wibb la0g0ng..and sarah...x=..
den meet wibb justin and 3rd la0p0..
g0 arcade play..
veri the pr0 l0rx..
s0 envi0us..(=..
juz n0w i g0 mirc0wave s0mething..
den g0t fire nehx..
xia si w0..x=...
my micr0wave 0ven sp0ilt lia0x..
n0 m0re pizza...)=

Wednesday, July 14

ahhx ch0ox!..
sickk lerx..)=

m0nday g0t training..
s0 l0ng never train lerx..
at lastt..
g0t t0uchh until the ball..

wentt malaysia..
buy smth f0r tiz sunday..
i spendd al0rt n0rx...
wentt f0r dinner at tiz restaurant..
all dishes 0n 5RM..
den 0rder s0me l0ngan thingy..
it is the can drink add al0t 0f water and ice..
den i j0ked tt the can l0gan c0st $5..
sia suay..
c0s tt guy serving n0e chinese..x=...
den i sleep at 2 am n0rx...

den t0day english less0n wan t0 sleep mahx..
at first never kena caught de..
den suddenly she screamed at me..
s0 xia suay n0rx...
den after tt call wad parents de..
g0 call n0rx...
itx my dad fault tt why i n0t enuff sleep 0kay!..

daddy l0st his hp...
he seem t0 l0se it ar0und tiz time 0f the year..
last year als0 liddat..
think he b0ught e700a..
f0r me t0 use..x.x...
budden i tiz end 0f year den wann t0 change de n0rx..
i think daddy iz br0ke..x=...

den at first wann t0 watch s0me macd0nald m0vie de..
budden in the end meet xinni and ying at j8..
sh0p dere n0rx..
saw my la0g0ng dere wibb justin.....x=...
jeal0us le lahx..x=
s0 c0incidental...(=
ai w0 de la0g0ng..x=

happy birthday t0 mr ryan 0ng..x=...

Monday, July 12

saturday was s0 funn n0rx..
*byebye ct..*
itx was silver jubilee..
wentt t0 sch0ol early..
den helped t0 take s0me canns d0wn t0 the stall...
veri de heavy..
plastic bagg even br0ke 0ff...x.x...
den helped t0 arrange a bit n0rx..

after tt dpm lee came..
he c0me exactly at 10 am...
s0 zhun..
s0 the 0pening cerem0ny start..
den we threw ball0ons d0wn..
s0 nicee..
den suddenly see 0ne black garbage bag tt c0ntained the ball0on dr0pping d0wn..
s0 hilari0us n0rx..
every0ne was laughing until st0mach pain..
luckily never land 0n any 0f the vip de head...x=..

after tt g0 tend the stall..
liddat n0rx..
0ne thing veri funny..
dpm lee b0ught tiz dessert thingy fr0m a stall..
den he passed it t0 bentink..x=..
den he pass it t0 wai sze 0r s0me0ne..
we ate it..
c0s itx DPM LEE b0ught de..x=...

wentt t0 4/1's haunted h0use...
itx was s0 funny..x=...
wentt wibb wai sze and li main dey all..
den we h0ld hands..
c0s itx was s0 darkk..
we screamed..x=..
budden itx was s0 funny n0rx...
s0mm0re the 'gh0st' used a handph0ne..x=

den i wentt a sec0nd time..
wibb melissa khai serene lee..i think..
and a few kidds..
dey s0 funny als0x..
tiz time i keep 0n laughing...
even the kidds were n0t freaked 0ut 0r wadd...
verii funn...x=..
budden i keep 0n kn0cking int0 the walls..
t0o dark lia0x..x=..

after tt wentt 0ut wibb xinni and xin ying....
wann t0 watch mean girls de..
budden full place lia0x..
s0 sadd...)=...
den sh0p a bit..
den wentt t0 w0odlands..
and meet wibb th0se v0lunteers tt the twins meet in the m0rning during flag day..
s0 wentt t0 see the m0vie sl0t..
budden we came t0o late lerx..
*saw my aunt and caiyu sis dere*
xia da0!..x=....
b0ught tiz nail thingy..
veri de funn..x=...

i decide t0 be xtra guaii kia..
wentt t0 meet wibb chee an and sarah d0 hw!...x=...
at the tw0 st0rey mac at t0a pay0h..
s0 we chat a bitt..
ab0ut th0se mr p0ng thingy..
and tiz and tt...
catch up wadd we missed during the h0lidays..
itx was funn..

after tt we exc0rt chee an t0 her bus dere..
den wentt t0 bishan sh0p...
and b0ught tiz heart thingy tt can 0pen de...
veri nice..
s0 we wentt t0 the ne0print sh0p t0 take ph0t0..
cut it 0ut and put in the heart...
i l0ve it al0tx!..x=...

after tt wentt t0 xinni de h0use eatt dinner..
c0s her m0mmie c0ok al0t~..
veri yummy..*mmmmm....
wen wei was dere..
xinni aunt was dere t0o..
s0 we talk s0me gh0st st0ries and all tt..
laughhed al0t..
den played wibb the nail thingy...
until 1130 liddat den g0 h0me..
s0mm0re i keep thinking ab0ut the gh0st st0ry tt dey said..
luckily wen wei exc0rt me...
if n0t i will freak 0ut...x=...


t0day gary arhx..
he make sp0il my bracelet n0rx..
heart pain lehx.
i g0 buy again...x=...

g0t training in the aftern0on..
at last..
t0uch the ball..(=..
s0 niceee..
budden skills lan like hell..
dun need t0 say lia0x..

al0tx 0f thing happened n0rx..
i think i missed 0ut s0me 0f it...

Friday, July 9

yesterday..stayed back n0rx...
c0s at first wanted t0 help in the silver jubilee de..
budden in the end help was n0t needed..
den stay backk slackk c0s it started t0 drizzle lia0x
c0s it was raining..
s0 wai sze dey all g0 help 3/5 since 0ur 0wn class dun need 0ur help..
went h0me wibb huifen..
den g0t tiz imh guy...x.x...

t0day was s0me rehearsal f0r the silver jubilee f0r tml..
veri fake n0r...
itx like a sh0w t0 sh0w dpm lee de...x.x...
sh00 n0w c0me h0me..
den 0n the way passed by the r0om..
s0 nice..
inside all filled wib ball0ons..

Wednesday, July 7

m0nday was y0uth day..
wentt t0 meet in bus wibb xinni and ying and their m0mmie and wen wei..
s0 pai sehx when her m0mmie asked me whether i have d0ne my h0mew0rk..x=..
0k..i lied..
and i did n0t dare t0 l0ok at her m0mmie de facee..x.x..
i am n0t g0od in lying..x=...

dens wentt j8 meet up wibb andrew and nich0las..
wentt t0 cineleisure t0 watch spiderman 2..
budden all s0 full lia0x..

sh0 wentt t0 suntec city dere watch..
als0 n0 ticket..x.x...
s0 watch windstruck...
itx sh0 nice and t0uching and r0mantic..
dens ppl g0t cry..
the gal behind me cry until her eyes red red...x.x..
s0 jiaa latt..
budd itx nicee..(=..

during the m0vie......
we threw p0pc0rns ar0und n0rx...
den after tt a pigg arhx..
keep 0n disturb me..
thr0w s0 much p0pc0rn until my wh0le skirt fill wibb p0pc0rn..
like a c0ntainer liddat...
den after tt the p0pc0rn eat finish den the c0w g0 put it 0n my head..
like hat liddat..
s0 jia lat..
my hair all salt....
qi sii w0 lee...!

t0day wentt t0 watch spiderman2 wibb serene and limain..
veri nice n0rx...
den we g0 buy breadtalkk den limain t0t we never take...
den she t0ok the next cust0mer's de bread..
s0 xiaa suayy..x=
den als0 g0t see mcs de vanessa and her stead ba..
never change much n0rx..
and she still remembers me!!..(=

Sunday, July 4

friday wentt t0 meet wibb xinni and ying and andrew..
dens g0 t0 h0ugang stadium dere meet wibb mei zhu..
wentt t0 see serang0on gardens sec de bball game..
w0ahx..dey all s0 damnn pr0 n0rx..x=..
dens after tt went mei zhu h0use..
den pei mei zhu t0 w0rk n0rx..
.......al0tx 0f thing happened.....
slacked at h0me yesterday and t0day...
tml g0ing 0ut..x=..

Thursday, July 1

s0 busy these days to come online..
als0 f0rg0t wadd t0 type..
actually iz lazy..
i have t0 sleep..
c0s these few days keep 0n c0nferencing like dunn0 wad...
yesterday g0t tiz piggy sleep during c0nference n0rx..
c0s we heard pig sn0re..
funny manx..x=...

den t0day..
stay backk d0 last minute pr0ject w0rk..
itx damn farnie n0rx..

tml g0nna be a hilarious day..
s0 l0oking f0rward t0 it..(=

Monday, June 28

sch0ol starts t0day..
i still in h0liday m0od..
den keep 0n talking crap in class..x=..
den after sch0ol..
saw ct..
den hugg her..
s0 miss her n0rx...
den the half 0f ex-2/2 ppl g0 0utt wib her..
eat lunch..
den wentt t0 heartland mall take ne0s..
den g0t tis guy g0 tap my sh0ulder n0rx..
den i g0 stare at him..
g0 tap me f0r n0thing..
den after tt the same gr0up 0f ppl wibb tt guy g0 cut the ne0 wad...
tiz girl g0 like d0 the acti0n like n0t happy liddat de..
den iz she h0gging 0ver the siss0rs n0rx..
gib me such a slappy face l0ok..
s0 ah lian like..
aiya..dun care ab0ut her ler...

Sunday, June 27

cherish the last m0ments bf0re i am stuckk in sch0ol...)=..
0n the bright side..
itx 0nly 4 m0nths t0 the n0vember h0lidays..

juz n0w wentt swimmin..
wibb c0usinz n0rx..
n0thing muchh..

Saturday, June 26

the day bf0re i wentt t0 watch vball match wibb the same ppl n0rx..
0bvi0usly singap0re l0st..x=..
bud dey played veri well against thailand..
iz just tt thailand iz much m0re str0nger..
andd dey can thunder..
while singap0re are weaker and can't jumpp as high as themm..
23-25 12-25 12-25..
better than la0s..
la0s kena thrash by thailand...x=

yesterday wentt t0 meet wibb xinni den g0 t0 her st0re dere..
waitt f0r her t0 finish w0rkk dens we g0 t0 play p0ol..
i am a t0tal n0ob at it..
n0 ch0ice..
first time playing mahx..
dere g0t
verii funn n0rx...
budden i m0st l0usy 0ne..
xinni can play betta...
l0lx..i even hit the light wibb tt stick thingy...
itx was accidental de...

den after tt wentt back t0 the st0re by taxi wib j0seph and wenwei and xinni..
saw tiz bus wibb the plate n0. 4444..
den when we reach the st0re the c0st 0f the taxi fare als0 $4.40..
s0 c0incidental..

0..xinni blurted 0ut tt the wh0* let her sm0ke..
when we are talking in the taxi...
den j0seph angry..
den he juz ran 0ut 0f the taxi and when backk t0 the st0re t0 sc0ld the wh0*..
s0 jia lat..
den g0 h0me wibb xinni and wen wei wh0 was there t0 send xinni h0me..
he was s0 angry tt he hit the p0le 0f the bus..
s0 xia suay..
all the bus de AUNTIES all staring at us...
den in the end i reach h0me at 12am n0rx...
veri late lerx..
c0me h0me every0ne sleeping..
daddy was n0t veri angry wibb me..
budden he is w0rried n0rx..
hengg erxx..*phew..x=

Thursday, June 24

wentt t0 watch vball match yesterday
wibb vic and sinyee...
veri nicee n0rx..
dey play until s0 pr0..x=..
s0 l0ng never t0uch until vball lerx..
s0 siannx...
anyway thailand team is damnn pr0 n0rx..
can trash 0ther teams fr0m 0ther c0untry s0mm0re..
w0ahh..dey spike until sh00 nicee...
t0day g0nna watch again..
itx singap0re vs thailand..
singap0re sure l0se de lah..x=..
budden i supp0rt singap0re!..x=

Tuesday, June 22

sunday wentt t0 east c0ast..
den al0t 0f thing happened lahx..
was veri frustrated by my uncle even quarreled wibb him..
in the end i think he wu hua ke shu0 le..x=..
budden quite funn ba...

dens at nightt g0 swimmin again..x=..
veri shuangg..
the night iz s0 c0ol den the water a bit warm...
budden s0 many ppl ar0und...
c0s itx father's day...

c0me backk h0me i sleep until next day..
i veri veri tiredd..c0s the day bf0re i 0nly sleep 4 h0urs..

slackk at h0me yesterday..

aar0n ran 0ut 0f the h0use wibb n0 ppl pei him..
i habb t0 grabb him h0me after tt..

Saturday, June 19

tiz week iz s0 b0ring..x=..
haben been realli g0ing 0ut..
except t0 sch0ol and swimmin..
s0 sian..
never g0 sh0pping..
at least wind0w sh0ppin will d0..
c0s i am br0ke..x=..

actually wanted t0 g0 0ut yesterday..
budden xinni cann0t..
her hp was c0nfiscated and i can't c0ntact her..
stewwpiddd nich0las..
smsed her until 6 am..
she g0t a vi0lent quarrel wibb her m0mmy..
dunn0 whether dey g0t hurt..
h0pe its 0kay..

s0 l0okin f0rward t0 t0m0rr0w..
g0nna g0 picnic wibb family..
g0t ahh mahh g0ng...aunts uncle..c0usins..
g0nna be funn...
and i haben c0mpleted my h0mew0rk..
*i am s0o deadd*

Thursday, June 17

tuesday wentt swimmin wib m&m...qiyang dey all wibb my sista..
m&m- megan and martyn..
s0 muchh funn c0s dey are s00 cutee..

Tuesday, June 15

yesterday g0 t0 sch0ol f0r physics remedial..
heng g0t g0..
if n0t kena sc0lding fr0m mrs ye0..x=..

after tt went h0me..
t0 change..
c0s i never bring h0me cl0thes..
me and waisze and limain g0 lan sh0p play..
itx at paradiz centre beside..i thinkk
ermmx play...
dunn laughh..
c0s g0t ppl g0 lan sh0p play ne0pets..x=...
den after a while the wh0le lan sh0p fill wibb pe0ple playing cs..
s0 pai sehz..
s0 fun..
alth0ugh we juz next t0 each 0ther..
we sc0ld each 0ther thr0ugh chat..
funny n0rx..
i keep laughing n0n st0p...x=
den i play fairyland..x=..
g0t tiz guy 0utside..
he g0 see wad i playing..
like i s0 childish..x=...

after we wentt backk t0 ps...
we ate 3 f0r $2..x=..
den after we wentt t0 play wibb leg0..x=
g0t tiz leg0 fair 0utside 0f ps mahx..
den cann winn tiz harry p0tter leg0 figure which c0st $200+..
den at first t0t is human size..
budden itx 0nly 15 inch..
s0 ex...
den 0nly 0ne harry p0tter h0gwarts sch0ol de leg0..
c0st 200 plus...
t0ys are s0 expensive n0wadays...x=

0 yar...
gary juz t0ld me yesterday..
he g0t chickken p0x...
g0t m.c. until 21st lehx..

Sunday, June 13

ermmx...n0t much thing happened...
thursday only go back to sch f0r english remedial...
bud g0t back m0re h0mew0rk..
i wished i never wentt back t0 sch0ol..
friday i slacked at h0me..
c0s c0me red singtel letter..x=

den yesterday..
veri funn day..
i meet wibb xinni same place..
in the bus..
budden i missed it..
s0 i wait f0r an0ther..
den walk ar0und at j8..
g0t zhang feng qi aut0graph sessi0n dere..
den ermmx..
xinni dun like her cl0thes..
den we sh0p ar0und t0 buy..
s0 tt she can change int0 it..
den cann0t find..
b0ught tt mac hat instead..x=
s0 we meet wib her br0...j0seph..
den g0 m0s burger..
den xinying say shez c0ming..
s0 she shun bian br0ught jeans f0r xinni t0 change..
meet up wib xin ying..
see her wear until s0 matured and s0 chi0..
0 yar..
daniel zhang feng qi..
can dance quite well..x=

den g0 t0 heeren take ne0s..
and sh0p ar0und f0r cl0thes..
i b0ught 0ne..
same as xinying..
den xin ying g0 change in it..
c0s shez the 0nly 0ne wearing while..
s0 xtra mahx..x=..
den take ne0s n0rx..
take until s0 ugly...
0 yar..
saw michelle..
mcs de..x=
chi0 bu w0rx..

0 yar...
als0 n0e tiz guy..
sellin tickets de..
he like a fren 0f j0seph..
budden iz juz ren shi de..

wentt t0 mac after tt..
t0 wait f0r mei zhu..
i meet wen wei..
a guy wh0se ji0ing mei zhu..
veri funnn n0rx..
j0seph keep 0n strangle him..
den xinni g0 put fries int0 wen wei's m0uth..
0 yar..
xinni s0 xia suay..
she say we sh0uld stay until mac cl0ses..
c0s g0t free french fries left0vers..
den s0 l0ud..
the cust0mers g0 l0ok at her..
damnn funny...x=

0 yarx!...
dey g0 di-xia0 me..
den i dunn0 h0w c0me my facee red red...
all bec0s 0f xinni n0rx..
wh0 like nich0las..
hai da0 w0..

dens after tt we g0 t0 play basketball..
nearby the mac..
g0t ppl playing s0ccer dere als0..
s0 must bcareful...
juz incase the ball hit...x=..
xinying alm0st kena..
bud heng g0t 0ne small primary sch0ol kidd0 screamed f0r her t0 siam..
den after the kidd0 dunn0 h0w c0me get angry wibb an0ther s0ccer malay kidd0..
dey pushed each 0ther ar0und until s0mething c0me flying 0ut..
i think wen wei picked it..
den asked its wh0se de.
den xinying g0 p0int at the tw0 kidd0s..
den wen wei g0 dere..
*oei..wan t0 fight dun fight here h0rx..
wh0se keychain iz thiz...*
den he return tt thingy..
s0 ah beng like..
den he s0 tall..
wibb the tw0 sh0rtie kidd0x..
xinni keep 0n saying..
*my her0 man!*
budden at least the tw0 kidds never fight lahx...

after a while
wentt back t0 the st0re n0rx..
den xinni still wearing the cap..
den tiz andrew wh0 keep 0n di-xia0ing ppl de..
g0 paste the *special 0rder sticker* 0n xinni cap..
den he say her cap is same as last time mac's de cap..
c0s xinni cap is different design..
s0 paste 0ne sticker dere..
s0 funny..x=..

i keep 0n laughing..
den after when mei zhu punch 0ut..
was veri late ler...ab0ut 10 plus..
s0 we g0 h0me t0gether..
xinying and zhu..wen wei and j0seph..
g0 h0me n0rx...
tts all ba...

Wednesday, June 9

ermx...went t0 watch harry p0tter t0day..
wib pei xin and gina..
missed the first part 0f it..
t0o bad..
budd it was nice..
t0m felt0n bec0me m0re shuai.
c0s n0w he never gel up his hair le..x=..
i g0t angry wib my sis..
c0s she ign0re me and talk t0 xinn.
den after i ask her wad she wan t0 eat..
she say anythin..
den i call her eat shit n0rx..
den after i t0o angry c0s she call me t0 g0 away..
pei chek..
sh0 i juz walked 0ut 0f cineleisure..
den s0mm0re 0utside rainin..
den i g0t wett n0rx..
xin and gina f0ll0w me..
i rush t0 mrt dere...
and wentt t0 find xinni at b00n keng mac dere..
first time g0 dere..
waited 5 h0urs f0r her t0 end her j0b..
luckily g0t xin ying..
if n0t i s0 l0nely...
saw mei zhu..
and she iz s0 pretty..
and cheerful...
c0ol..and blahx..
dens after g0 j8 eatt dinner den g0 h0me lerx..

0 yarrr yesterday i wentt t0 gardens wib dad n sis and kuku and ku zhangt0 rec0rd smth 0n tape..
den wentt t0 ti0ng bahru wib daddy and sista
ate lunch dere and dad bring me t0 queensway...
c0s meeting wib vic and sin yee..
budden i wait f0r 1 h0urs..
den i suddenly veri upset..
den i juz sit taxi h0me...
c0me h0me den sista already at h0me..
g0t a call fr0m pei xin..
den we g0 gardens again and meet wib pei xin dey all..
g0 swimmin..
hab funn n0rx...
0 yarx...i saw j0yce*vball juni0r* at gardens..
sh0~ her c0usin live dere...n0t bad...

Monday, June 7

just g0t back..(=..
wentt 0ut wib xinni t0day..
saw melissa*vball de*..
at heeren t0day...
when i takin ne0s wibb xinni..

die le lahx..
tml g0t chemistry..
still hab t0 take ph0t0s 0f kuku future h0use..
den after maybe g0 0ut wibb xinni..
still hab t0 g0 0ut wib sin yee t0 buy sh0es..
ermx..l0ng time n0 bl0g..
c0s dun feel like c0min 0nline..

went t0 ntuc..
b0ught al0t 0f junk f0od...
c0st 70 bucks..
aar0n keep 0n putting things int0 the basket*...

g0t vball match wib anders0n and dunman high..
l0st t0 dunman..
c0s 0f stewpiddd egg*...
c0s the dunman high gals all g0t l0ng legs and dey l0ok m0re prettier den us mahx..
s0 the egg gibb dem al0t 0f marks..
in ball can say 0ut ball..
0ut ball can say in ball..
after the match i c0me h0me..
dens g0 swimmin wibb daddy aar0n and sista..

slackk the wh0le day at h0me..

mr 0ng and ms ng big day..
dey gettin married..
and dey did n0t invite us*..
s0mm0re we celebrate mr 0ng birthday...
kuku c0me my h0use..
den g0 pei xian h0use bf0re g0ing t0 swimmin..x=..
talked wibb pei xian al0t al0t..
den g0 swimmin until 8.30 den c0me 0ut..x=..
missed harry p0tter sh0w ler..)=..

g0in 0ut lata wib xinni..

Wednesday, June 2

t0day kena wake up by my step br0..
y0ung t0ddler..
keep 0n making th0se n0ises tt baby makes grabbing adults attenti0n..
hez cute..
and disgustin.
saliva drippin when he talks..x=
and the milk leaking when he drinks..
den i call him t0 swall0w den he say dunn habb saliva..
went swimmin at the gardens at 4pm..
i saw ming li..
sh0 sh0cked..x=..

Tuesday, June 1

the day bf0re i went t0 a f0od fair..
and i eatt al0t~!...
budden alm0st all is taiwan sausages..x=..
eat ab0ut 4-5...x=..
and i am sickk 0f it..

i als0 kn0cked int0 a b0y and a girl 0n the day..
the b0y was t0o sh0rt and i did n0t see him..
den he kn0cked int0 my elb0w..x=..
the girl was als0 t0o sh0rt..x=

yesterday xinni c0me t0 my h0use..
we s0rt 0f chatted a bit
den we went t0 j8 and watched c0nfessi0ns 0f a teenage drama queen..
xinni did manicure...
and it came 0ut nice..
veri nicee...

Saturday, May 29

btw..tiz t0 sarah..
i am n0t angry wib u..
n0r d0 i hate u f0r d0ing tt..
juz veri veri sadd..

i am upset when i f0und 0ut tt ur disapp0inted in me..
c0s u dun n0e wad really happened..
i am realli hurt ab0ut tis.
i dun wan t0 face it..
i can't f0rgive and i will n0t f0rget what had happened..
i am afraid tt the same thing w0uld happen again t0 me and i will g0 crazy when tt time c0mes....
bud itx bec0s that dey hab betrayed the trust i hab in them..
it is str0ng enuff t0 break 0ur frenship..
it cann0t heal anym0re..
tts why i did n0t wann t0 g0 t0 sch0ol..
i am s0 afraid i g0 crazy 0n the last day..
tts why i t0t 0f transferring sch0ol..
d0 u n0e b0th sides 0f the st0ry yet...

i am stubb0rn..
i can't f0rgive and f0rget s0 easily..
it is hard..
tts why i am upset when u write tt ur disapp0inted bc0s u dun n0e h0w much i have g0ne thr0ugh...
i have tried t0 f0rgive..
i just can't..
tts why i just leave it..
i d0n't wan t0 face it c0s it will make me crazy..
was sickk yesterday..
after i went t0 ptc..
0 yar..i g0t 12 in clas..
f0r tw0 and a half years..
i am always 12..
after i went t0 ptc den i c0me h0me..
have a nap..
den went 0ut wib daddy and sista t0 eatt sakae..
budden i suddenly sick..
feel s0 weak..
budden i still eat the sushi..
waste my dad's m0ney..x=..
c0me back h0me and sleep m0re..
den i feel m0re betta..

0 yarr...just n0w g0 night market...
den b0ught al0t 0f f0od..
den g0 cheers and buy mil0 ice 0r smth liddat..
den iz like me and gina like idi0ts liddat dunn0 h0w t0 0perate tt machine..
den the guy als0 dun wann c0me and help..
veri xia suay...

Thursday, May 27

ermmx..juz n0w g0 0ut wib ppl..
stephanie..wai sze..qingyu...edward and stephanus..
the gals all l0ok s0 nice in their cl0thes..
c0s itx the first time i see dem n0t wearing sch0ol u..
went t0 cine t0 watch the day after tml..
it rawks..
s0 nice..
den i was talking wibb qingyu..
the man in fr0nt keep 0n l0okin back...

after the m0vie....
g0 and take ne0printx..
den edward keep 0n irritating us n0rx..
cann0t take 0ur ph0t0s in peace...
after the guys g0 take their dinner den we g0 t0 heeren..
and pang seh qingyu..
c0s she habb t0 g0 h0me...*s0rryx*..
take ne0s again den g0 h0me lerx..
the day will be perfect if edward is n0t dere..
keep 0n using deoderant t0 spray 0n ppl...
and it STINKs...
finee..i am badd...
i shall st0p my hand frm typing m0re.
and shut my m0uth frm blabbering m0re...
i am s0 pissed 0ff when ppl wanted t0 change my attitude..
when dey ownselves has attitude pr0blems..
r u sure u all cared..
let me j0in int0 c0nversati0ns and such..
when i leave then all the smile gets int0 y0ur faces..
sc0lded me when i just asked a questi0n..
talk behind my back s0 much t0 every0ne..
and cared ab0ut my feelings huhx..
a weird way 0f caring..
is tt h0w u sh0uld care..
sh0uld i care ab0ut u all and tell 0ther ppl ab0ut all y0ur bad characters..
have u cared ab0ut thinking h0w i w0uld feel?..
ab0ut caring ab0ut me when i did n0t g0 t0 sch0ol..
r u all sure tt u all cared...
why did u send sms saying th0se hurting w0rds tt made me m0re angrier..
i am angry why am i s0 blind that i made frens wib pe0ple like dat..
and i t0t dey were the best in the w0rld..
even if s0metimes dey have attitude pr0blems...
i w0uld n0t tell t0 the wh0le w0rld..
at least i n0e wad true frens is n0w...(=

Wednesday, May 26

everything is s0 fake.
it is just reas0ns..
n0thing can change the fact..
everything will n0t be the same..
c0s itx t0o late already...
al0t 0f things happened...
didn't g0 sch0ol t0day..
didn't feel like..
and i d0nt wan t0 see dem..
i scared tt i will d0 smth evil 0r wadd..

i'm happy..
c0s i t0t tt i am l0nely..
bud i am n0t..
xinni was crying last night c0s i am crying..
philip was c0ncerned..
qingyu...waisze dey all..stephanus...and j0sephine..
especially m0mmie and daddy..and my ah mah..x=...
dey all cried manx..
s0 t0uched..
xie xie xinni and xin ying f0r c0ming 0ver t0 my h0use t0day...
u all realli br0ught l0ads 0f laughter al0ng...(=

i'm s0 afraid 0f ptc..
am i g0ing t0 transfer?
wad will dad tell t0 mr g0h?..
he dun even n0e nuts ab0ut 0ur character..
i dun think i will will be hard..
c0s it is difficult t0 find a sch0ol rite n0w..

Tuesday, May 25

i tried t0 thr0w temper less 0ften lia0x..
iz al0t if u wann t0 c0mpare wib my primary sch time..
why d0 pe0ple 0nly see the badd side..
0ther pe0ple dun hab mehx..
why spread s0me untrue rum0urs..
and whats m0re..
wad shi han did was veri t0o much lerx..
i dun n0e if the rest is the 0ne wh0 initiated it..

i accept my mistake..
bud there is a need f0r pr0ve..
c0s i dun believe anything with0ut pr0ve..
and if i wr0ng..
i will admit..
0r u can even explain t0 me clearly..
s0 tt i can understand..
shi han sc0lded me at mac alm0st made me cry..
i was 0nly clarifying my d0ubts..
and i dun even n0e tt i was clarifying the WRONG way..
i dun even n0e tt the t0ne 0f itx was harsh..
n00ne t0ld me.....
0k..itx an0ther way 0f shutting ppl up bf0re i realli l0se my temper..

i dun wan t0 g0 sch tml..
ash bec0me the president 0f student c0uncil..
pe0ple all having a rebelli0n..
ms ng was s0 angry..

0k...i dislike unt0uchable 5..x=
aline..shi han..j0yce..wei ming
th0se things i have been saying f0r m0nths is refering t0 her..

h0w c0me dey never t0ld me ab0ut my pr0blems wib my attitude..
i admit i am bossy especially when it c0mes t0 pr0ject..
i wan t0 finish the pr0ject...
make it perfect..
aline did n0t d0 0ne 0f the w0rk..
den i see sha0 ming veri ke lian..
s0 i helped sha0 ming..
i t0t she w0uld c0me 0nline t0 help us..
bud she did n0t..
and n0w it l0oks like itx my fault..
dey say itx bec0s fr0m last year that dey dun like my attitude..
den why until n0w dun tell me ab0ut it..
itx is just a reas0n s0 that they c0uld dislike me..
bec0s i am uglier and fatter..

what is m0re w0rse tt dey talk bad ab0ut me..
n0t between demselfs..
bud t0 every0ne wh0 c0me cl0se t0 me...
s0 tt dey will n0t hang 0ut wib me..
tiz is n0t fair..
dey wanted t0 is0late me..
why sh0uld y0u d0 such a thing..
c0s u r afraid tt i w0uld d0 tt t0 0ther ppl..
s0 u did it..
s0 tt even if i say the TRUTH...
n0one will believe me..
i will n0t d0 such a EVIL thing..
itx t0o h0rrible..
0nly m0nsters wib n0 em0ti0ns will d0 tt...

even shi han used me..
dey say shi han is influenced by aline..
i dunn0..

tis year aline birthday..
the day bf0re..
n0one c0uld g0 buy the present f0r her..
and i als0 have n0 time..
c0s itx already veri late at night..
c0s in the aftern0on i had a match wib some sch0ols..
and i am damn tired..
budden i still run t0 j8 t0 buy preci0us m0ments..
s0mm0re i had t0 b0rr0w m0ney frm daddy t0 buy it..
and in the end i g0t a sc0lding c0s 0nly s0me 0f the pe0ple wh0 said they wanted t0 share the present pay me the m0ney...
i was s0 angry as i always am the 0ne giving al0t al0t..
and she dun treat me as best fren..
i t0t we were best fren 0thers think s0 t0o..
budden we are n0t..

having attitude pr0blems during ipw and can't keep secrets is the 0nly tw0 reas0ns that u is0late me?...
why dun u think ab0ut urself..
y0ur 0wn attitude..
why did u badm0uth a fren s0me0ne u n0e f0r a l0ng time..
c0uld easily hurt s0me0ne wib ur acti0ns..
why d0 u have rude remarks 0n y0ur tagb0ard..
u wann 0ther pe0ple t0 change..
why dun u think ab0ut y0urself...

anyway..i n0e i g0t pr0blems when i d0 ipw..
bud i am already trying t0 st0p my temper lia0x...
itx difficult...n0t easy...

i cried yesterday f0r the wh0le aftern0on..
at j8..
walk r0und and r0und j8 like a t0ot kia..
i t0t i wun cry..
pe0ple still sc0ld me stupid f0r crying..
i dun n0e why tears just r0ll d0wn..
maybe i did n0t expect a fren t0 be liddat..
s0 heartless..
i just burst 0ut all my t0t and feelings t0 stephanus..
i really cann0t take it lia0x..
t0day als0..
dey keep 0n saying ab0ut stephanus and me..
i realli wann t0 scream at dem t0 shut dem up...
i wan t0 use all the vulgar w0rd t0 vent my anger...

ya...i was crying c0s i felt tt i am s0 stupid..
i t0t we c0uld be frens again when we talked..
budden that day is the day we had training..
aline did n0t wan t0 be al0ne..
s0 she talk t0 me..
i am being backstabbed..
when she did n0t even care a shit ab0ut me during days when there is n0 training..

nvm..i sh0uld feel happy f0r dem..
and myself..
if n0t f0r dem..
i w0uld n0t have f0und betta frens..
frens that c0uld have appreciated me and what i have d0ne..
tell me truthfully ab0ut my faults...
and n0t gib up h0pe 0n me and is0late me..

if any 0f u read tix..
wan t0 sc0ld me..
juz say s0me rude remarks 0n my tagb0ard...

Monday, May 24

i watch tv last night..
f0und 0ut tt pe0ple wh0 uses revenge as a way t0 get back at 0ther pe0ple have l0w EQ..

t0o much things happen..
s0 mani ppl l0okin at me...
xia suay...
saw hui fen and her and kelvin..x=..
xia da0~

Sunday, May 23

grrr...t0ok suchh a l0ng time t0 l0g int0 heymathh...
i keep f0rgetting my passw0rd...x=
still g0rt s0me lame hw..

Saturday, May 22

flag day t0day..
actually quite fun...lax~..
c0s we did n0t g0 beggin f0r m0ney...
itx was quite embarrassing when we have t0 return back the m0ney..x=
i think mine was the lightest...x=
inside 0nli $3.20

we*aline sin yee vict0ria and me*..g0 t0 0rchard..
actually wan g0 cine take ne0s de..
budden t0o early lia0x...
t0o badd..
den g0 t0 heeren..
saw dawn desiree annette mingli vivien and sheryl..
c0s heeren haben 0pen yet..
s0 we just sit 0utside..
den g0t tiz guy c0me up t0 us and call us t0 d0nate m0ney..
i t0ld him we als0 hab flag day and gib him crappy reas0ns s0 tt he will g0 away..
budden in the end he never lahx..
suddenly i saw the heeren aut0matic d0or 0pen..
i hurriedly run int0 heeren...
den the rest 0f the 9 ppl f0ll0wed al0ng..
damnn funny..
xiaa suayyx..x=

we t0ok ne0s at heeren...
the c0l0ur c0me 0ut nice...

Friday, May 21

Happy birthday dawnn~

tml is flag day..
have t0 wake up early..)=
myy beauuty sleep...x=
budden flag day in the m0rning have lesser ppl..
s0 xia suay lesser..x=

t0day g0t m0od swing..
didn't wann t0 g0 t0 sch...
den at last wake up..
change my unif0rm and i ferg0t t0 zip my skirt..
den g0 sch...
after i put d0wn my bag..
den went t0 gibb dawn present..
melissa tell me tt i haven zip..
s0 xia suay..
luckily i wear sh0rts..x=..
imagine tt time the girl wh0 did n0t zip up..
s0mm0re she never wear sh0rts..
maybe t0day itx my retributi0n..x=...

ermmx...t0day hab n0thin t0 d0 after sch..
s0 decide t0 hang 0ut wib main..gerald...
den the 0M ppl washing the cars..
gerald g0 and spray water 0n dem...
we are at 4 level..and dey are at the first level..
budden evill..x=..

went t0 j8...
c0s n0thin t0 d0..
rather g0 j8 den g0 h0me..
when we reach 0ur bus st0p...
gerald start t0 press the bell twice..
den s0me 0ther idi0t started t0 press an0ther time..
gerald pressed again..
the idiot pressed 2 times..
and tis c0ntinues until we reach the bus st0p 0utside bishan mrt...
den after tt me li mian serene and wai sze c0me d0wn fr0m the bus..
gerald when he wanted t0 c0me d0wn...
the d0or shut in fr0nt 0f him..
he pressed again..
guess tt the driver was pretty pissed 0ff by gerald..x=..

s0 we went t0 see shrek 2...
and dey gave s0me shrek t0y that have a big watery tummy and has 3 rats in it..
very disgusting..x=...
we b0ught p0pc0rns bf0re we went int0 the cinema..
den serene wanted t0 gib us back the tickets at the cinema..
den f0uund 0ut 0nly hab 4..*5 0f us went t0 the cinema*
the dumbb staff member veri t0ot never even check when he tearing the tickets...
s0 n0w we g0 xtra n0t t0rn ticket
gerald suggest t0 call p0tter g0..
since g0t "free ticket.."
budden in the end he never g0 nahx...

watchin m0vie halfway, gerald had a crasy idea..
he wanted t0 thr0w p0pc0rns at the pe0ple in fr0nt 0f us...
den i p0inted 0ut 0ne 0f the pers0n in fren...*keny0n*
gerald start t0 thr0w p0pc0rn at keny0n..
s0 xxia suay...x=...

shrek 2 is nice...
i like the cat..
s0 cuteee..
and itx s0 funny..
keep 0n laughing...

den after the m0vie we just sh0pped ar0und j8 n0r...
den gerald t0t tt the airc0n was leaking..
f0und 0ut that it was the st0mach 0f shrek was leakin water 0r s0me chemical..
c0s gerald pluckk the tummy 0ut and went t0 squeeze it...
den he g0 squeeze s0mm0re...
den g0t 0ne uncle walk pass gerald..
gerald dun n0e...
den he squeeze the tummy...
den the uncle kena the chemical n0rx..
0k..i admit it was funny...x=

hadd suchh a crasy day...

Thursday, May 20

s0 many pe0ple n0e ab0ut it..
i dun n0e why..
0r even h0w dey n0e..
i t0t n0one trust me..
maybe itx bec0s i dun even trust any0ne..
even myself..
these days..
everything seems like a dream..
n0thin seems real..
i dun n0e wad i am d0ing..

h0t tempered n0wadays..
s0 pissed 0ff...

yesterday s0 xia suay..
ferg0t bring wallet t0 sch0ol..
den cann0t g0 h0me..x=..
luckily g0t g0od s0uls like qingyu lend me m0ney..

g0t t0rtured by mr 0ng t0day..
run tw0 r0unds 0utside the sch0ol.. least i dun feel like v0mitting after the run..
aline is bian taii...
run s0 fast..x=

n0thin le ba..
*havin sick0 flag day again tis saturday..
laughed al0t t0day..
itx been s0 l0ng i have been laughing...

`harry p0tter r0x...m0vie c0min 0ut s0on..i wanna g0 watch...

Tuesday, May 18

ermmx..g0t back my c0mbine humanities..
flunk it..
bud if add ca1..
i may pass...

went t0 see 50 first dates t0day at cineleisure...
waz my first time watching m0vie at cine..
wib annette.waisze.limain.serene...
the sh0w was nice...
andd r0mantic..wib s0me hurm0ur in it...
the sits were c0mf0rtable..
betta than yishun's gv..
s0 hard..den the sit n0t stable..
i keep 0n w0bbling..
s0 xia suay..
k0r at the side..
v0lunteer t0 change sit..
budden i did n0t...
c0s i dun wan t0 sit beside the *c0rrid0r*...

pai sehx...spell wr0ng li main's name..
s0 i edit n0w thursday may 2004 9.37pm..x=
luckily wai sze reminded me...
and she lauffed at li main... main was used t0 it...x=
0 yarx...
was realli funny after the sh0w..
it ended at ab0ut 5 plus...
and we all g0 l0ng j0hn's t0 grabb s0me f0od..
alm0st all 0f us...
wai sze and annette didn't wann t0 eat..
wann t0 slim d0wn..
s0mm0re dey are NOT fat!...
annette was dere sc0lding us...
*can u all plz dun make tt crunchy s0und..
like the fries are s0 crunchy..x=..
and i was dere laughing until my st0mach hurtz..x=...


Monday, May 17

okayx...t0day was ok..
g0t back h0rrible results..
ge0g g0t 15/50..
can't st0p laughing..
i dun n0e wad was i feeling at that time...
physics t0o....43/100..
fail..0ur class did h0rribly in physics..
btw...i sit beside han z0ng...
and 0n my right is jun jie..
u n0e h0w stressing am i..
sit in the middle these tw0 genius in class..
chemistry..wibb the help 0f ah k0r..
i g0t 75/100...yahx...
i d0 n0t have t0 use physics t0 pull up my L1R5
btw...i calculated that i w0uld get at least 18 and ab0ve f0r the L1R5..
h0pefully i can pass my english..x=...

3/2 sux...n0 unity 0r anything..
ppl inside are s0 petty..
n0one wans t0 kn0w each 0ther...
t0 s0lve the misunderstandin...
wh0 cares..

training was 0kay...
ran 3 r0unds ar0und the sch...
luckily it n0t 4 r0unds [2.4km+]
if n0t i kick ong's butt...x=
vict0ria was sick..
s0 i pei her run..
budden i think my speed t0o fast fer her lerx...
btw..i think my kneeguards are g0ing t0 be c0rr0ded..
gr0wing fungus 0r s0mething..
damnn disgusting..
i asked mr 0ng f0r a new 0ne..
den he say need t0 sh0w him the 0ld de..
sick0 nahx!...
budden vball r0x..
s0 l0ng never play lerx..
missed it al0t..
dun think aline like t0day...

0 yahx..after training...
aline saw her hp..
den she start t0 laughh...
sarah g0t n0minated t0 bec0me exc0 member..
g0od n0rx..


Sunday, May 16

ermmx...went 0ut t0 meet xinni..wayteng and philip..
g0 see tr0y..
tr0y a bit er xinn nahx.
b0ring als0..
c0s all fight here fight dere..
den g0 s0me RA parts..
at first wann t0 see van hel sing de...
budden xinni see lerx..
s0 t0o bad..
den after g0 arcade play..
laughh until my st0mach painn..
t0o bad never see krystle t0day..

0 yeahhx..
nightmare is c0ming s0on..
tml g0nna take back papers..
veri veri dead..
training starts tml..
*dun n0e h0w t0 take my b0oks t0 sch...and my knee guard*..
grrr*...i dun wann t0 runn..x=..

o yahhx... saw cw and josephine..
cw at j8.
den josephine is when i on the way home...
chat wib josephine for a while..
den ish like i wear a bit like ahh lian..
josephine say i putt make up s0mm0re..
i think gibb her daddy a badd impression...x=..
nvm..wh0 cares

Saturday, May 15

i'm s0 pissed 0ff..
xinni just pang seh me..

sitting arrangement changed..
i'm damn pissed off..

hez ign0ring me..
i'm super angry...

i hate ppl wh0 badm0uth 0thers..
thinks that dey are great..

Friday, May 14

i hate that manager..
she damn scary..
finee..i regret g0ing f0r the interview..
c0s i dun wann t0 w0rk mac anym0re..
it is s0 sickening..
need t0 m0p the fl0or..
clear rubbish..
clean here..clean dere..
s0 charm~!..
at h0me i dun need t0 d0 anything..
just 0rder my mad ar0und..

budden i wann t0 w0rk nehx..

Thursday, May 13

exams are 0fficially 0ver...
c0s 0f the stupid chinese listening c0mpre..
must g0 back t0 sch..
f0r 30 mins?..
i was happy by wad the guys c0mmented..
dun say anym0re..
i beginning t0 hate myself f0r being s0 evil..

ermxx..after thatt stupidd thingy..
that make me wake up s0 early..
10am..*t0o early fer me*..
dens g0 mac n0rx..
den after g0 see c0mic..
dens j0sephine was dere..
dens j0sephine daddy was 0utside..
i t0t is tik0pek..
c0s keep lo0king inside the c0mic sh0p..
budden daniel xu and hui fen b0th say he shuai..
c0s her daddy scared he rec0gnise the wr0ng pers0n as her d0tter..
+ hui fen daddy als0 never live wib her lerx..
i'm s0 scared that 0ne day daddy w0uld f0rget h0w i l0ok..
i dun wann daddy t0 leave me..
even th0ugh its his fault that 0ur family is br0ken..

i amm s0 stressed..
headfull 0f fan na0..

i have:::

frens that ign0re me..
tml getting back results...
sunday...the meeting..
still g0t al0t al0t m0re...
i dun wan t0 think 0f it..
c0s it will add m0re white hair t0 my black hair..

every0ne seems t0 be ign0ring me..
i'm trapped behind a wall..
n00ne can see wad i d0 0r hear wad i say..
c0s dey dun care..

beginnin t0 think 0f ya__..
grr* ign0ring me t0o!..

Wednesday, May 12

t0day g0 0ut wib daddy and gina..
first time ride on mrt wib daddy..
c0s daddy g0 repair his car..
dens g0 ti0ng baru dere t0 eat sakae sushi..
saw aris0n and ji ying..
veri funny..x=
dating must g0 s0 far..

dens after dat g0 c0llect car n0rx..
thats all ba..

h0pe i can pass the interview..
den can have m0ney t0 spend..

Tuesday, May 11

nice day t0day..
i'm happy..
alth0ugh a bit b0red..
talked wib 3/2 peeps t0day..
l0ngest chat c0nference..
unt0uchable 4...
life is s0 weird..
full 0f mysteries...
itx like u s0metimes can't say what u think t0 s0me0ne cl0se t0 y0u..
u c0uld speak ur mind when ur wib s0me0ne u dun n0e veri well..

full 0f saddness....
th0usand sw0rds peircin thr0ugh ur heart when s0me0ne hurts ya..
even if itx just a w0rd..
he w0uld send all the bees t0 sting ur heart...
living the scars behind...
the pain that c0uld n0t be f0rg0tten

full 0f anxiety..
i'm s0 afraid that it w0uld happen...
h0w am i t0 survive..
w0uld i just end my life..
w0uld it be painful..
where w0uld i g0 after that..
what if i say s0rry..
even th0ugh itx n0t my fault..
i will never say s0rry..
itx the hardest thing t0 d0..

but full 0f happiness...
laughin fr0m y0ur heart...
when u n0e s0me0ne cares..(=

weird...why can't it be onli happiness and only happiness

t0 qy and gerald:: hen xie xie ni men...

Monday, May 10

read nellie's bl0g...
i was feeling the same thing as her..
pe0ple w0uld like t0 hang 0ut wib s0me0ne prettier 0r wadeva
cleverer pers0n?
s0me0ne wib betta attitude..
0r s0me0ne wh0 sh0ws that dey care f0r 0thers m0re than i d0..
i d0 care f0r s0me0ne..
bud i dun sh0w it..
is that i d0nt n0e h0w..

i d0nt wan t0 be s0me0ne wh0 stuck up t0 0ther pe0ple just t0 gain p0pularity 0r being liked by 0ther pe0ple...
i was 0nce liddat..
she is 0ne t0o..
i dun wan t0 wear a smiley mask even th0ugh i am sad inside..
i will n0t n0e wad t0 d0 when i take 0ut the mask..

[-`i wann t0 g0 s0mewhere where i c0uld be myself..and be accepted f0r wh0 i really am..t0 be liked and cherish..a place where i c0uld shed n0 tears...
=`i am h0ping f0r such place...where reality c0uld n0t bring me...
*-i c0uld 0nly dream....
se/fish me...i wan t0 be the 0nly 0ne....